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Kefir baskets

Kefir baskets
I love breakfast and especially those weekends, even though we do our grill with Grieta and Ruben often, not just on weekends. I believe that breakfast is an important part of the day, and this is a time for nothing to do, so I'll go into it sometime in the middle of the working week. Once you have them in your eye, they will not take you more time to prepare bread with butter.

Coconut Tapioca Pudding with Caramelized Coconut

Coconut Tapioca Pudding with Caramelized Coconut
Have you met a tapioca pudding? It's a custard, like any other. So it is based on starch, but this time not potato or corn, but starch from manioc. Tapioca is therefore a starch from manioc, a healthy source of carbohydrates without cholesterol and unhealthy fats. Maniok is a larger longitudinal tuber, inside white, from outside light brown to coarse structure. He is also called Cassava, Yuka, and in Asia just Tapioka.

Fermented carrots

Fermented carrots
Now the fermentation is so popular and I do not know if I'm going to list you all the superlatives. How fermented vegetables are a great source of all those beneficial bacteria that favorably affect brain, digestive and immune function. And I'm not even talking about enzymes, vitamins and minerals. The fact that such a vegetable is much more digestible for children ...: -DA just as I did. :-D

Multigrain Bread

Multigrain Bread
For the last two years, I've been stuck a lot on the rye bread in the mold you find here . I bake it about once a week or two. There are always two pieces. It's terribly healthy, simple, even primitive. In form, so you do not have to stress that the loaf will not be a loaf, but a loaf ... It lasts long and is great as a toast! And so I so easily displaced the classic baking of yeast brewing in the bag. Occasionally I bought the amazing bread from Eskise or Praktika home when I had a way around, and I thought I'd bake again when I had a little more time now that it's really really wrapped up! But do you know what kicked me? Multigrain blend :-D! And suddenly the priorities have shifted!

Coconut yoghurt

Coconut yoghurt
I think most people love to learn new things, tastes, habits, patterns, and cultures at all. All the people who love food are all the more traveling, because they are always opening up new colors of colors that can fill our hearts with happiness. I know that coconut yoghurt is not a revolutionary novelty, but because it is not commonly sold in our country, I have not met recently with one that would literally capture me. However, my curiosity and the likelihood of crawling racks and fridges in grocery stores, especially in foreign countries, has brought me to one amazing coconut yogurt. Then I tried another, and another, when I was dealing with a slight dependence on good coconut yogurt. And what else? Well, as a proper addict, I was wondering how I would advise at home when the resource would be on the opposite side of the globe in Bali ... So it was the development of a recipe for such a yoghurt that would resemble my one! You could watch it on Instagram in stories where I tried to share my experiments and failures in real time. :-)

Cauliflower Cream Soup with Chickpeas and Moroccan Spices

Cauliflower Cream Soup with Chickpeas and Moroccan Spices
You probably caught it, especially those who follow my instagram , which is Gastrokrouzek , but I have to bring this soup first by briefly introducing my friends with whom I "fused food". It started so that we met once in a while, like someone at home and a place for one to eat in the kitchen and hunt others, we cooked with each other. The subject was always predetermined, and then, somehow, a breakdown of what was fitting and close to whom. Then we got together on Day D and the free entertainment spinning around the meal could begin. We talked a little about the food, and they were kind of educated. It was great. Such a small family-cultural event full of fun and mental regeneration.

Vegetarian Red Curry with Mungo Beans

Vegetarian Red Curry with Mungo Beans
I found out that every kind of curry tastes much more on a legume base than with meat. And because the mungo is a very popular raw material for me, I bought it here in Indonesia when we made a big purchase right after arriving at the kitchen. Then I just combined the favorite ingredients and created this curry, which tasted so good that I did it twice in the next two weeks. At instag, you have reported a recipe, and so, even though I have completely dropped the job, perhaps as never before, I hurry to give you this recipe for this freshly.

Perfect Pumpkin Quiche

Perfect Pumpkin Quiche
A few quiche recipes are already in your blog, so I'll definitely repeat for those of you who know them ... ( Quiche Loraine, spinach, goat cheese , Whole wheat quiche with asparagus ). You can buy a dough for quiche in every supermarket, of course, but it is easy for the home, and you can prepare it from fresh wholemeal flour, even in organic quality. I have only two practical and key advice for you. If you leave the home dough, do not try to make it into it so that it still leaves cold lumps of butter, which can be a beautiful crunchy lump of the cabinet. It's the same as the sweet version of the fragile dough you can find on the blog. A great helper is the " pastry blender " tool that allows you to bake the butter swiftly in the flour into small pieces without warming it with his hands and getting too loose. When I opened an eshop, this was the product that was the first in a range of products that Kitchenetteshop should have in its "shelves". He's a great helper, and he was not here at all. Also, make sure that the cabbage is pre-cooked, making the dough crisp. Dry beans, rice and / or baking beans can be great for this.)

Autumn slurry slurry with apples and pecans

Autumn slurry slurry with apples and pecans
The lambs are among the oldest crops and a little bit out of our diet, but I'm glad to watch their returning popularity. They are indeed a great crop that is especially valuable for young children due to their high content of minerals that are important for building bones, joints and ligaments. Small edukative window ... :-)

Apple muffins

Apple muffins
One completely fresh recipe this weekend and this time not quite from me, but from my little big Grétka, it just landed for you. Recently, I made these apple muffins at home but I never had time to shoot them properly with my demolition platoon (that's what I mean mainly boys, Gratka small brothers) and also write a recipe because they are always modifying them according to the current state of stock etc ... But this Saturday did everything, and only because the little girl, then the two-year-old Grétka, who stood at the birth of a blog holding me behind an apron, decided she wanted to make something for herself. So I took a piece of paper, wrote a recipe and let her work. So, the first phase, having a recipe somewhere recorded, was arranged well after breakfast. When they were baked, I just took a camera and really did not take a picture of it with great preparations, styling and detonation.
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