Specifically, pudding is ideally prepared with tapioca pearls, which you can get in healthy nutrition or Asian food in just a few sizes besides the powdered starch itself. I prefer the smallest.
This pudding may not necessarily be coconut. You can swallow and cook pearls in any other liquid. Vegetable or animal milk or juice.
You can already flavor the liquid with spices such as vanilla or cinnamon and then serve it alone or with fresh or compote fruit and something crispy like these coconut chips. I believe that these will be just the added value of this recipe and they will only be useful for you to drink or even add some other food.
And about the latest information on the recipe. Count the amount of pearls to increase 7x! In the ingredients I add 1/2 cup. I mean the US Cup. I'm afraid that if you used a Czech mug, you would then invite your neighbors and custodians.
Coconut Tapioca Pudding with Caramelized Coconut
16. March 2018

Have you met a tapioca pudding? It's a custard, like any other. So it is based on starch, but this time not potato or corn, but starch from manioc. Tapioca is therefore a starch from manioc, a healthy source of carbohydrates without cholesterol and unhealthy fats. Maniok is a larger longitudinal tuber, inside white, from outside light brown to coarse structure. He is also called Cassava, Yuka, and in Asia just Tapioka.

Spray the tapioca pearls under running water. Put them in a bowl, pour 1 and a half pots of water and leave for a few hours or until the next day swell.
Mix coconut chips in a bowl with salt and maple syrup. Spread them with a baking sheet and bake them in the oven at 120 ° C for approximately 40 minutes. Let them cool down and then store them in an airtight container to keep them crispy for a long time and not moisten.
When pearls are swollen, move them into a smaller pot, add coconut milk, a pinch of salt, maple syrup to your taste or other sweetener and start warming. Tapioca pudding should still be carefully mixed, but do not worry, just to thicken the consistency of the pudding and it takes a few minutes.
4. Put the finished pudding into the glasses and allow to cool. Serve only with coconut chips or fresh fruit.