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pro sušičku potravin

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pro sušičku potravin

Coconut yoghurt

Coconut yoghurt
I think most people love to learn new things, tastes, habits, patterns, and cultures at all. All the people who love food are all the more traveling, because they are always opening up new colors of colors that can fill our hearts with happiness. I know that coconut yoghurt is not a revolutionary novelty, but because it is not commonly sold in our country, I have not met recently with one that would literally capture me. However, my curiosity and the likelihood of crawling racks and fridges in grocery stores, especially in foreign countries, has brought me to one amazing coconut yogurt. Then I tried another, and another, when I was dealing with a slight dependence on good coconut yogurt. And what else? Well, as a proper addict, I was wondering how I would advise at home when the resource would be on the opposite side of the globe in Bali ... So it was the development of a recipe for such a yoghurt that would resemble my one! You could watch it on Instagram in stories where I tried to share my experiments and failures in real time. :-)

Home Yoghurt

Home Yoghurt
This recipe is mainly for the owners of the Drying or Sous Vide Baths , because with both of these devices the production of domestic yogurt is possible, even absolutely simple. You often write to me about the recipe, so here you have it.)

Fruit leather

Fruit leather
Behind this strange name lies a terribly simple, healthy and lasting goodness. Priority I thought I would prepare them mainly for children as a snack in my pocket, but in the end I found for them another use. For example, I cut them into thin noodles, adding "straw" to salads where cranberries or other fresh fruit would be suitable. They are great, for example, on a goat cheese brusket, etc ..) They can also cut different shapes using the cut shapes. They are a nice and creative decoration on a plate of modern gastronomy.

Oatmeal-quinoa muesli bars

Oatmeal-quinoa muesli bars
I enjoy the recipes for home-made granola or muesli wheels not only because I like them, but I also enjoy the feeling that I have a quick snack for children, or family and friends, which is healthy and I know exactly what it contains . Even in Kitchenette Cookbook - Year in the kitchen you can find similar muesli recipes.)