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My personal story about Green Kitchen

My personal story about Green Kitchen
So it was not. :-)


For a long time, I promise you an article on Kombucha.

She's got her mommy !!!

She's got her mommy !!!
Beautiful first May! Perhaps we could not wish for a better date for welcoming a new cookbook to the world than this one.

Gastrokrouzek - We have a meal

Gastrokrouzek - We have a meal
I have been preparing for a long time to write everything here. All my feelings, experience, way with one piece. And what will ours be? May, a cook cooked under the name Gastrokrouzek. And for many of you, this is no news anymore, because my life with the lives of others is mingling some time. So you probably know I'm talking about the Gastrokroužek even if you do not read the title.

Multigrain blends or "Multigrain"

Multigrain blends or "Multigrain"
And because I promised to write a short article about "multigrain" blends that I loved on the road to Indonesia, I'm sitting behind my computer and quickly writing fast to get the information right out of the hot air, and maybe get my mix soon and even you may have to drink the yeast bread .

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
I'm right with my family really far from my native home, and even though we were the Christmas Eve, we were all here two weeks ago. I really mean everything, just the date in the calendar did not fit ... With our little salad and perfect fish soup, even with the cabbage, the carp, our sweets, the tree, the carols, all the christmas charm we create for our children each year. I think I'm gonna be somewhere else, but this year, much more than ever, I feel the Christmas atmosphere, your preparations, the tension, the joy, the love, ... until I come to Indonesia.

Beautiful Christmas 2016

Beautiful Christmas 2016
I hope you have lived and are still experiencing a festive moment full of festive atmosphere, comfort and love. You probably also noticed this by the intensity of my work here on the blog, but the second half of this year was really challenging. It was all over my head, so I did not really try to make new recipes, though I would love it. It's amazing that blogging does not stop having fun at all, and it will be blogging to celebrate in February 5 years. All I want to say is that once my hands are released, there will certainly be plenty of new recipes and videos. I'm looking forward to it, I can not wait, but it's obviously my time and right now I needed to focus all my energy on other important things. To family, children, and reassessment and organization of my life so that I could enter the New Year with a clear head and a clear goal.

Jonas Isaac's birth

Jonas Isaac's birth
When I started writing a blog four years ago, I did not even think it would become so personal. I think I was a great introvert, and I could not imagine that I would have taken on this site more than just mentioning that the recipe is from my grandmother and that the cake is my daughter's favorite cake. When my second son, Ruben, was born less than three years ago, I wrote a short story about his birth, my personal taste too personal, and maybe even then something changed. I've put my skin a little bit on the market, but it has come back to me for a remarkable reward in the form of your positive energy. I realized that as long as this space is still about My passion for cooking, which begins in my essence, I am part of it, and so the crucial moments in my life are a bit of a thing. Therefore, even now, a few days / weeks after the birth of my third child and second-born son, I use or rather sleep with a baby on my chest to write this article.

The call "Bake for someone!"

Today I have an unusually baker's challenge and competition for the Electrolux PlusSteam oven . I decided to go to work with Electrolux, mainly because the whole event could be beneficial to you as well. You can win the PlusSteam. But I will also welcome every enthusiastic baker who just makes us happy with something and sends a recipe with a photo.


Because many of you are writing to me to ask me if I could prepare an article on this topic with a guide on how to proceed with home germination, it is here. Perhaps I managed to capture the main and the most important points of the whole subject. If you do not find a response, just write to me what I will know, I am happy to answer.
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