Here's your recipe and all the important information in the next paragraph.
As a basis , the young coconuts were best tested, especially their flesh. If you drink or use water, it is up to you. It does not make such a big difference. With coconut water, yoghurt is a bit sweeter and has a fuller flavor. I do not recommend making this yogurt from dried coconut or canned milk. It will not be so delightful and will have to thicken it a lot.
The base before inoculation, if it is too thin, can be thickened with, for example, tapioca starch, but the resulting yoghurt has a whole pudding structure and I think yogurt should be dense and similar in structure to true quality cow yogurt and not pudding. I also experienced attempts when the base was so hooked that the resultant yogurt was so much fluffy. I personally prefer yogurt more dense. So if you have the same, let the air out after a little bit of a few bumps about the line expel.
Raw or cooked? If you are still cooking the raw material or not the yogurt that is too much to be done, I have the experience that the raw yoghurt will last for at least a week in the refrigerator and save quite a lot of time in the process, when you just mix it up and fill the glasses.
Culture . You can buy pure dairy culture online. There is even a whole range of blends on the market. Cultures of Bulgarian type, Greek, or traditional yogurt culture. The package contains instructions for use, but it is usually the dose required for 1 l of the base. Then, you can still use about 10 samples from the already created yogurt to vaccinate the next batch. So a little bit like a kale, except the difference is that it does not go to infinity.
Then a number of people use probiotic capsules (understand the classic probiotics from the pharmacy). This is a bit uncertain because the capsules have different compositions and are not primarily intended for the production of yoghurt, so you will find in the composition the same cultures that you need for yogurt production, such as L. Bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, ... but also many others that yogurt will not do. So I'd prefer to be sure.
The third option is for people who do not interfere with cow's milk, dietetically or morally. Just use one spoonful of quality cow's yoghurt . As I write below, I personally plan for organic farm yogurt from Holland.
An important point I made during my attempts was time . Classic cow yogurt is usually enough to ferment for about 8 hours in ideal conditions to make it pleasantly acidic. But, probably because of the consistency of the slurry with the consistency of the slurry, it is necessary to give the brewers much more time to digest the slurry. So it was 15-16 hours. Less meant a poorly acidic yogurt.
And now, just the methods of securing 42 ° C in the home for the necessary time. Many of you have at home all kinds of conveniences. That's how I start from my favorite one. Steam ovens have a program to make yogurt directly, or simply set 15 hours at 42 ° C moderate steam. Place the yogurt glasses in the oven. I'm very comfortable with weckers , which not only are beautiful, you can only cover them with a glass lid without a rubber band.
Do you have a sous vide bath here ? Heat the water at 42 ° C, insert the glasses logically so they protrude, you can cover them with a glass lid that does not leak or cover at all.
Dryer of food. Such modern food dryers can already work at the exact desired temperatures. Then you set the temperature and time again and place the glasses with the lid to allow the contents to breathe. In the store with me for a few years you will find these dryers.
There is no need to mention the yogurt. It is a small device for about 600, - CZK. for about 6 glasses, about 1 l of yoghurt.
I would forget about the fermenter that you can find also in my store ... Of course, besides yoghurt, I can also help in the production of cheese and other fermented products.
Then there are the ancient methods called under the blanket . Fill the glasses and put them in a camping fridge, along with a hot water bottle, thermos, etc ... You can put them in a polystyrene box or really under a warm, well insulated shower. Of course, it will never be absolutely accurate what is going to happen inside, so this method is quite extreme. Similarly, you can also use a heated non-steam oven. Ideally an old oven. It must of course not be hot. To keep warm, leave the light lit up, which will constantly heat up the oven. (Super place as well as dough dough) So my tips and experience are sufficient and exhausting. If there is some coco-yoghurt lubricant among you, so contribute with your valuable experience. I will certainly not only be grateful. Let everyone enjoy it.
Coconut yoghurt
15. February 2018

I think most people love to learn new things, tastes, habits, patterns, and cultures at all. All the people who love food are all the more traveling, because they are always opening up new colors of colors that can fill our hearts with happiness. I know that coconut yoghurt is not a revolutionary novelty, but because it is not commonly sold in our country, I have not met recently with one that would literally capture me. However, my curiosity and the likelihood of crawling racks and fridges in grocery stores, especially in foreign countries, has brought me to one amazing coconut yogurt. Then I tried another, and another, when I was dealing with a slight dependence on good coconut yogurt. And what else? Well, as a proper addict, I was wondering how I would advise at home when the resource would be on the opposite side of the globe in Bali ... So it was the development of a recipe for such a yoghurt that would resemble my one! You could watch it on Instagram in stories where I tried to share my experiments and failures in real time. :-)

Open the coconut, pour the coconut water into the blender or drink it. Ideally, with a chopper, it is good to open the coconut in half, spread the whole pulp with a spoon and add it to the blender bin. Dilute with water to reach approximately half the pulp volume.
Mix everything on a smooth and smooth cream. If necessary, dilute with water if necessary, so that the consistency is like a dense smoothie or a slurry. Now you can decide whether to make yogurt raw or to make sure you want to heat the base, warm it up to 85 ° C in the pot and ensure sterility.
If the coconut cream is heated, let it cool down to 40 ° C. Basically, thoroughly incorporate pure dairy yoghurt culture and, if you do not interfere with cow's milk, inoculate a yoghurt spoon, such as Holland's yoghurt. (The one in bio quality is my favorite, she's standing in our fridge.)
Place the coconut-yoghurt seed base into glasses, cover it freely and ferment at 42 ° C for ideally 15 hours. (Why 15 hours and what are the home methods you will find in detail in the second paragraph of the introduction.) The finished yoghurt will be dense and pleasantly acidic. Cool it and you can serve it yourself, or in combination with chocolate and bananas, or a mango made with Thai coconut rice. It's great in smoothie, but I've also used it as a base instead of a kefir for an amazing puppet here from the blog . Even the raw will definitely last for a week in the fridge.