Before we get into this, I'll give you some more tips here.
Potato salad, as it is known, is the best potatoes of the variety Keřkovský Rohlíček. If you find them, try them, otherwise buy the salads. In the recipe, you find the above-mentioned apple, always choose a variety that is not flourish, it is nicely juicy, crunchy and has a distinct taste. The apple, along with sour cucumber, is the only ingredient that crunches and changes in structures are quite important in gastronomy.
Peas do not use sterilized but preferably frozen petit poas peas from M & S. Or another quality frozen peas, which no longer need to be heat-treated, just thaw and mix into salad. Peas are so aromatic.
We never serve onions, but cook them briefly in vinegar, sugar and salt. With this lover, we salad the salad. You can add a little bit of cucumber attraction.
Add mayonnaise and yoghurt to salad.
Christmas Potato Salad
18. December 2018

So yeah. Although I do not give much classic recipes, I have been repeatedly invited to share with you our potato salad. And because I'm very proud of him and every year I look forward to him, it does not seem like a bad idea. Perhaps many women who are still looking for it will find inspiration in our family.
In our potato salad you will not find an egg, a ton of mayonnaise, or a sausage. At first glance, it is quite common, but the opposite is true. Perhaps just the right ratio and the right flavor make it a great salad. Perhaps the presence of apple and the taste of celery is essential to me. But you already know me a little bit and you know I do not hate or oblige other recipes, traditions or customs, so I completely understand that my other would not do anything else, and it would seem stupid to them. For me, it's the best potato salad in the world.
This year, when I was taking photos of the children, and because we are just passing through the sparkling spice, I allowed myself to postpone a photo here, where both of my keys were bursting with sparklers.

Put the whole potatoes in the skin thoroughly into the salted water. Surely do not indulge in cooking, because you will lose the typical and desirable flavor and taste. Carrots and celery remove the peel, ripen the celery to half and add them to the heavily salted water. (If you wash the potatoes well with a brush, you can cook together with carrots and celery.) Boil the potatoes with carrots and celery cooked, but never boiled. They have a more distinctive aroma and a more pleasant structure.
Meanwhile, put the onion into a small cup, pour a little water and 3 tablespoons of vinegar so that it is dipped. Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt and cook in this lick so that it slightly softens. It is not desirable to spoil it, but to get rid of the raw crispness and taste.
Boil the cooked potatoes in the heat and, with carrots and celery, cut into cubes (cut to about 0.5-0.7 mm). Put them in a large bowl, add the boiled onion and cranberry. (Warm potatoes will taste much better.) Also, after cooling down, add all peas and cucumbers cut into small cubes. Remove apple, pepper, and cut into smaller cubes.
Now only mayonnaise and yogurt remain. Yogurt should partially replace it and make the salad a lighter one. About this quantity of ingredients I got about 3 topped spoonfuls of mayonnaise and 3 topped yogurts. You can easily mix all the ingredients in the bowl, pepper, and for the first time lightly but thoroughly mix. Taste and, if necessary, add more lover this time than cucumbers, if you've used the whole bowl of onions. Add lemon juice, salt and pepper to your taste. The salad should be salty enough and, thanks to its sweetness, it is sweet and acidic. Now, the salad needs some rest in the fridge. Align it with an airtight lid or fresh foil and fold down. Its tastes will go out and the next day will be much better. You will see if it will still have to be done and peppered. Potatoes have such a feature that they have a lot of flavor, so do not be surprised if you feel like it does not do it. I think it's an annual hobby of the whole family going "secretly" into the fridge still tasting ripening taste and developing quality so do not be afraid to make a salad twice as much. :-) Have beautiful holidays full of love and well-being.