Syrup of the blossoming flowers
7. June 2012

For me it's summer evergreen! Rare syrup with mineral water just love! No matter how many liters I make, I'm always sure it will not last until the end of the summer.
As far as use and medicine is concerned, it has diuretic and sedative effects, it also cools (therefore it is used in the fever). It has a positive effect on blood vessels, which is ideal for varicose veins and hemorrhoids (vitamin P and C in combination strengthen the vascular walls). It is also used to treat cough because it promotes coughing. Flowers contain vitamins of groups A, C, B, P-routines, tannins, organic acids, sugars and minerals.
I am always interested in what plant, herb or vegetable is good for, so in case you and I have processed it here ...)

Boil 2 liters of water. Let the flowers scurry briefly under cold water and pour cold, boiled water. Let's leave it in the cold for 12-24 hours.
Let the juice drain, add sugar, citric acid, lemon and stir, it may take longer time for the sugar to dissolve. Once this happens, the syrup is filled into glass bottles washed with boiling water. Before closing, you can lay a few drops of alcohol or other alcohol on the surface of the syrup to destroy the bacteria.