Grandmother's cheese pie
20. February 2012

So here it is, our family treasure, the cheese pie of your grandmother Jiřinky. Try and believe it's not just another cheese cake or other famous quark desserts. Most of us will not be waiting for us the next day ...

Let all dough ingredients be processed by a robot, or handmade in a smooth dough and put in the foil refrigerator for at least 15 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 165 ° C.
We prepare a cake form (about 26 cm), I put the bottom of the baking paper and the walls of the butter with butter.
This is how we prepare the filling. Put the whites with a pinch of salt, mix the remaining ingredients in the second container and gently mix the egg whites.
Half of the dough on the rolled roll is rolled up on a large plate (6 cm in diameter larger than the mold, but fine off the eye, the imperfections are tightened with fingers) and cover the bottom and the edges of the mold up to a height of 3 cm, the bottom is forged with a fork.
Pour the filling and cover with the wicked dough from the remaining half. (Tip: I help with the roller transfer so that the brittle dough does not run, so that I wind it and slowly pull it from the edge into the mold) Fingers to the dough pieces of the dough to connect them with the edges of the bottom layer, also pierce the surface with a fork and bake Pour the oven for about 40 minutes until it becomes slightly yellow.
At the end of the baking season pie will be over the top of the mold as a blower, so do not worry about it until it drops to 2-3 cm, so it should be. It's a great juicy dessert that just sucks and serve smoothly and lukewarm.
My Tips:
1. Sometimes I fill the apple filling instead of curd. This means that I cut about 4 apples without peel and kernels, laugh with a pinch of cinnamon, a bunch of raisins and 70 grams of cane sugar.
2: Dried Organic Fruit:
3. I have noticed that in the assortment of dairy bio products, Billa is the strongest chain, so I think it is no longer a problem to reach the whole country, a good quality organic curd and butter.
If you are interested in why organic dairy products and where you can still buy them:
4. Vanilla sugar for sweating .. If you ever use genuine fresh vanilla, do not throw the pod after scraping the grains, but close it in the sugar bowl with the sugar, still there is a lot of aroma and black grains that you can use so well.