7. March 2012

I have a few recipes for Pâte brisée, or a delicious dough (on a salty cake), so I did not know which one. Here's a classic from Jilie Child, whose cook is simply amazing what information and sketches are exhaustive, and that's the key , how to handle seemingly complex recipes, because the spell is just a few simple secrets.

In the bowl we quickly process the flour and butter to produce oatmeal flakes, it is important not to dough the dough. We will summon, we will sip (you can skip), add water and, the broth as needed to create a smooth glossy sphere (the fluids are icy to prevent "flakes" from being broken) that we put in the foil for an hour to rest in the refrigerator. Heat the oven to 190 ° C.
Pour the dough out into a circle and put the cake or cake in the butter, erode the fork with a fork and, if we want to prevent the bloating, lay out the baking paper and pour the beans, lentils or rice. Let prewash for 10 minutes in the oven.
We prepare to fill, mix in the bowl all the basic ingredients plus something extra (eg what the house gave ...). If you are doing Q. Lorraine, bacon, either sliced or diced, bake in the pan, remove the excess fat, put on the cake and pour over the egg mixture with the cheese, which does not need to be shuffled too much, just enough for the cubes.
Put it back in the oven for about 35 minutes, you're done when the cartridge is no longer liquid, do not bite long, do not lose the juice.
1. A delicate dough can be bought in supermarkets ready, making it much easier, but I prefer to work from fresh organic raw materials without preservatives. If you are going to a home party and you have a lot of it, it is a great helper.