English apple pie
11. February 2012

I thought I had to bake something that warmed us all on my heart and soul, so I remembered my favorite winter recipe. In the tips I will offer you a version that will warm up a bit more ..

We leave all the dough ingredients to be processed by a robot, or by hand, but he wants a lot of passion. If it fails, add a little more water, each flour has some other absorbency. Put it in the foil in the refrigerator for at least 10 minutes.
This is how we prepare the filling. Apply peeled apples with no kernels to small cubes about 1 cm, but can also be roughly grated, put in a medium pot with plums, spices, lemon peel and juice, brew for a short time to combine flavors and apples slightly softened.
Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Half of the dough will be rolled and cover the bottom and edges of the erased mold on the pie, or use baking paper, and then the cake will be easier to leave. Fill the apple mixture. The second half of the dough is rolled again, cut into about 1.5 cm stripes and create a grid or strips next to each other in the wavy grid ... Grid with egg and sprinkle some cane sugar, it will be more crunchy.
Put it in the oven and bake for about 25 minutes until it glows.
Serve and warm, perfectly tasty with a spoon of sour cream.
My Tips:
1.The mesh is ideally formed on a silicone pad or baking paper, then just transferred and carefully laid on the cake, cut the knife over the remaining dough ...
2: We have traditionally added home-made port wine to our home, it's great.
3: Make the pie healthier, replace 50% smooth flour with wholegrain ..
4: This recipe is an opportunity to clean a marmalade fridge a little, I have written a basic recipe, but I often use currant jam together with plums (fine tuning sour flavors), you can also replace apples with pears and add dried plums or other fruits ...
5: Dried Organic Fruit:
6: If you can make your own stuff, it's amazing because you know exactly what's inside - if you've added a sweetener and what, but here's a few healthy alternatives:
Organic Czech and Moravian