Rustic baguette
7. June 2012

I believe in homemade bread, it is something that means to me the smell and warmth of my home ...
This is not wholemeal flour, but you can make it different with seeds and herbs, give it your personal character, and that's one of the things I love to bake.

Cook the potatoes in saltwater in soapy water, pour the water and mix (or grind) the fork or mixer. You can also use potato mash from the previous evening, just be careful if it's not too creamy, then take a little water ...
Mix flour, salt and potatoes in the bowl. Prepare or pour the yeast into a glass of water and dissolve. Add flour, yeast and water to the flour and prepare the dough with a spatula or a robot. Then put the dough on a clean working surface and for 10 minutes or until you reach the desired consistency, knead manually. The required consistency means that when you take the dough into your hands and stretch it against the light, it does not tear, but becomes transparent and flexible.
Place it in an oil-filled bowl in a warm place, cover with a cloth and allow to rise for 60-80 minutes or until it doubles.
Fold the dough over the work area, divide it in half. Make a rectangle from each of the halves, which is rolled back into the roller, which is still rolled from the center to the sides to extend it, and the layers are more closely connected, just be careful to get inside the oven.
Place the two baguettes on a slightly wiped plate, cover with a cloth and leave to rise for another 50-60 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 230 ° C and place a smaller pan at the bottom. Before baking the baguettes, lightly turn them and make a sharp knife a series of cross cuts.
Place the bag with the bagels in the center of the oven and roll some ice cubes or cold water into the bottom plate to make steam and the dough grow better. Otherwise, the pre-cooked crust will prevent the dough from growing. Bake for 35 minutes, turn the plate in half to make it evenly waxy.