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Yoghurt dough waffles

Yoghurt dough waffles
I have already published a recipe for traditional Belgian waffles from Brussels , which are simply amazing and really classic, prepared from the dough dough. Another recipe for amazing boiled dough waffles, which I have prepared for you for a long time, is a recipe for Belgian waffles from Liege. These waffles are somewhat denser in consistency than the Brussels waffles, and sugar beads are added to the dough. Both of these recipes are more time consuming and therefore I have been searching for a great waffle recipe for a long time, which you can just spontaneously do for breakfast even on a weekday without great planning or preparation. And they're already here! The base of the dough is made from classic yoghurt, which is well proven in many other recipes, because it gives a softness and a pleasant taste, perhaps in this little bit imitate the taste of dough dough. Another key ingredient is corn starch, which ensures crisp crumb and perfect fragility!

Raw chocolate smoothie

Raw chocolate smoothie
This smoothie is great for replenishing energy after a busy day. Treat him as a little deserved reward. It delivers protein, minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, carbohydrates and antioxidants.

Dutch Baby

Dutch Baby
Very often I have met pictures of these fluffy pads on the Internet and I have often received MMS from my friend Brennan, whose text was like this: "So when are you finally on the blog ?!" I think the whole hook was that I never had time to take a picture. I do it mostly for the kids so spontaneously, and there is the problem that they will quickly splash, etc etc ... Nevertheless, these amazing German lavenders managed to do so somewhat cautiously and walk through the kitchenette in small steps. A few months ago I gave the recipe for the instagram as a premiere, and now they are finally here ....))))

Goose caldoun

Goose caldoun
I thought you might enjoy a gooseberry recipe around St. Martin, especially because you could use the rest of the bones after the feast of the goose, which is always great, and I believe that most of your "recycling" recipes will please. Otherwise, in general, from each roast, you can still use the bones to prepare a really great thick broth full of flavor. In addition, it is also a holiday recipe from the times of the Magdaléne Dobromila Rettigová, so you will not leave your guests.) The caldoun was called poultry offspring and the sodden soup soup belongs even today to the Sunday table.

Mushrooms on coconut milk

Mushrooms on coconut milk
I had to prepare for you, and so expand the mushroom recipes here on the blog about this amazing recipe for coconut milk. It certainly deserves the attention of especially those of you who love Asian or Thai cuisine. As I wrote earlier, preparing my mussels at home is really very easy. Buy these mussels in good quality and fresh ones no longer have such a problem, they are basically quite cheap. Be sure to keep them fresh, ideally they should be processed no later than 3-4 days after their harvest, depending on how they are stored. So be concerned about the date of harvest.

Frying with zucchini and pecorin

Frying with zucchini and pecorin
This recipe has been waiting for you on my computer since our summer vacation "cottage" in Tuscany. It was a wonderful vacation, and in truth I did not have much time to take pictures and write prescriptions and I was really happy about it. You need to clean your head at times even from the work that you enjoy.) I took a vitamix and a contact grill and enjoyed the local ingredients. So the concept of recipes I did, if we were not somewhere in the local restaurants and taverns, was clear, and simple, fast food from local fresh sources. I'm sorry, photos of fritats are not too much, the sun was already treated, but I added some photos from our trip, just to provide a summer atmosphere and comfort.)

Spinach-zucchini soup full of vitamins

Spinach-zucchini soup full of vitamins
This is one of the first recipes I started preparing at home in vitamix . I also promise it for some time what vitamix have, so here it is.) Vitamix is often used in RAW restaurants, because it has great performance and it can also heat but not at boiling point. The temperature here is not controlled and adjustable, the mixer achieves high temperature and speed. And when I started working with him, I tried to use these qualities. That's why the shallots and then the garlic in the beginning will cut the fat in a small pot to get rid of the sharp taste of these ingredients for the cheese and at the same time they have gained their pleasant sweet and seasoning flavor. All the other ingredients are just mixed and heated to a temperature that is good for serving, so they retain the maximum of vitamins and their natural flavor.

Gluten-free brownies

This recipe is a classic recipe for gluten-free brownies. Do not look for anything in it. It's just good to have a crunchy, at the same time sticky, bitterly sweet chocolate delicacy. Essential is the dough structure and especially baking. You have to capture the right moment to keep the dough structure still sticky inside, but a crisp, crisp layer has formed on the surface. The resulting flavor, of course, fundamentally affects the chocolate of choice, so choose a quality and one that tastes good for you. Brownies are great as they are, but if you like walnuts, pecans or hazelnuts, they will only add value. I personally love walnuts combined with chocolate! Cut nuts on the pan before they get a much more delicate and distinctive pure nut flavor.

Mungo pot full of abundance

Mungo pot full of abundance
I like to use mungo beans in the kitchen. Maybe you've already tried Mungo Soup or Hummus Beans from Mungo Beans , which also belong to my favorite recipes for their simplicity and nutritional value of the resulting dish.) You can count on these beans generally here and learn that they are healthiest in the germinated form. That is why it is often also sprouted to put on ready meals. They are beautiful, juicy and crunchy. Like the soup, you can pre-crouch with a few days off and serve them for this, nor do I know how to correctly call a pot full of good, healthy and hearty food. Mungo eintopf? English would be a vegetarian stew ... In Asia some curry, because spice is similar ...) Well, please, please. I will then recite the name of the recipe according to the best fitting synonyms.) So far I have named it working and the name comes mainly from the historical concept where these beans should bring happiness and wealth. They probably knew the legumes were healthy and cheap at that time.

Superhero mash

Superhero mash
This recipe came out in September Apetit (thanks, among other things, for the beautiful cooperation) and now I have it for you too, which you did not get there. Essentially similar information about why soaking oat flakes or any other flakes and other ingredients can be read in the recipe for oat fermented porridge . In a simplified way, it is a cleavage of hard-to-digest ingredients. For example, complex starches and proteins for more digestible substances. Thanks to soaking for at least 8-12 hours, our body can get the absolute maximum from these crops. Oat flakes contain many minerals such as magnesium, iron, zinc. Then also some B vitamins are great for digestion because they contain a great deal of well-soluble fiber that benefits our intestinal microflora and thus increases the defenses of our body. They have the ability to gradually release energy and are therefore great for endurance athletes, for example.
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