Then I have some remarks about the recipe. I searched for a search and sometimes some sweet cream was added to the soup, but sometimes not, so it is up to you. I think housekeepers have decided on the basis of current inventory, as we do. Sometimes the cauliflower also came to the soup, but somehow it was omitted and it was the same with noodles. If you like pasta in the soup, add homemade broad noodles.
If I make a snack, I always make it from wholemeal flour or buckwheat. It is still healthier and does not affect soup in this quantity, perhaps only in color.
Thank you very much for the Mass of Real Meat Society for the material you provided, because preparing seasonal recipes for you in advance is sometimes quite hard and Miša has pulled my thorn from my heel. xxx
Goose caldoun
11. November 2015

I thought you might enjoy a gooseberry recipe around St. Martin, especially because you could use the rest of the bones after the feast of the goose, which is always great, and I believe that most of your "recycling" recipes will please. Otherwise, in general, from each roast, you can still use the bones to prepare a really great thick broth full of flavor. In addition, it is also a holiday recipe from the times of the Magdaléne Dobromila Rettigová, so you will not leave your guests.) The caldoun was called poultry offspring and the sodden soup soup belongs even today to the Sunday table.

Put in a large pot all the bones remaining after the roasted festive hen, add one broiled onion, 3 grated carrots, 2 parsley, half of the prepared celery crumbly, bay leaves, new spices, pepper and all with water so that it the entire contents of the pot were underwater. Bring to the boil and cook gently for about 3 hours until you get a strong broth.
Meanwhile, you can boil the whole gooseberries in a special pot in salted water. If you have a little lemon or parsley, add it to the pot.)
Dissolve half of the butter in the pot and bake the onion with the onion on the cubes. Add all the remaining carrots, celery and parsley, free of peel and cut into smaller soup pieces. Also add cauliflower broken to smaller rosettes. Fry all the vegetables briefly, pour over hot hot goose seed and season, or pepper. Bring to a gentle boil, and prepare the jars of the remaining butter and wholemeal flour so that in the pot or pan, dissolve the butter, add the nutmeg, flour and pepper. At the end, pour a hot brew and stir. You get a thick slurry to move into the soup and mix and brew well, ideally for 20 minutes.
Finally, add to the soup a softly cooked and chopped offal, the cream if you want, chopped parsley and serve.
Comments and tips on the recipe were prepared by Nutrition Advisor Věra Burešová of NATURHOUSE .
Mucky nut is very interesting in terms of its use. In ancient Indian literature, it is written about it as an intoxicating fetus, even used in Egypt as a substitute for hashish, the Hindus used it as a remedy for fever, kidney disease, and heart disorders. Spices are mainly used in various meat mixtures or poultry dishes. It supports digestion and appetite, also used in abdominal pain, flatulence and general digestive problems. Excellent effects even in insomnia.