16. October 2015
This is one of the first recipes I started preparing at home in vitamix . I also promise it for some time what vitamix have, so here it is.) Vitamix is often used in RAW restaurants, because it has great performance and it can also heat but not at boiling point. The temperature here is not controlled and adjustable, the mixer achieves high temperature and speed. And when I started working with him, I tried to use these qualities. That's why the shallots and then the garlic in the beginning will cut the fat in a small pot to get rid of the sharp taste of these ingredients for the cheese and at the same time they have gained their pleasant sweet and seasoning flavor. All the other ingredients are just mixed and heated to a temperature that is good for serving, so they retain the maximum of vitamins and their natural flavor.
You can simulate this procedure even in a pot. Or, if you are a happy thermomix owner, you can prepare whole soup from A to Z to prepare it. (Procedure for Thermomix: Initial resting on the bulb at the maximum temperature "Varoma" and then just add the remaining ingredients, pull the power up to 65-70 ° C and mix it smoothly.)
I prepared this recipe in the spring, and from the World of Bunch I just had a wonderful bear garlic at home, which I also used in the soup. For bear garlic, beware of its sharp garlic flavor. For a soup that does not pass through the boil, keep this taste in full strength, so be careful and add it a little bit.)