Dutch sauce is nothing difficult and do not be intimidated by the rumor about the complexity of preparation. For classic sauce you only need regular and fresh ingredients. If you scrub it with a piece of truffle butter, it's just up to you, but if, like me, you have a little glass of this taste bud in the fridge, you should try it.
Another ingredient is a little fluid that also affects the final taste. In many recipes, you find water that will not spoil anything, but if you have some broth or white wine at hand, you can replace it.
Asparagus with Dutch truffle sauce
28. May 2015

Generally, I'm not trying to make recipes for the Kitchenette, but I still have a recipe for the Dutch sauce, mainly because I tasted a great version of it in the newly opened restaurant La Bottega (Tusarova) a few days ago. It would be best if I could convey to you all the feelings and emotions that came to me when the waiter laid a plate in front of my nose, and I just unconsciously launched out the truffles! The space around me filled out the familiar scent, it was such a feeling you were looking forward to even more tasting than when you ordered the food, then it was the soothing feeling that brought memories and associations to something familiar, familiar and pleasant, like better times.) And yes, their version of delicious white or green asparagus with the lost egg is served with a Dutch sauce prepared with a piece of truffle butter. Nowadays you do not read it, but an intense irresistible aroma reveals it.
A few days later, a shipment from the world of bunk with great Czech asparagus and fresh egg landed on me, so there was nothing to wait for.

Cut off the ends of the dried asparagus stems, and if the skin looks a little thicker, sharpen the lower part with a scraper, but it's not necessary. First of all, I just remind you that the asparagus is cooked only briefly in a strongly salted boiling water. 1-2 minutes is enough.
On Dutch sauce, first dissolve butter or butter to make it fluid. At the same time, you can add it to the truffle butter mentioned above. Next, prepare a water bath. Place a well-fitting bowl (glass or metal) on a medium pot with a little water so that it does not touch the water level. Heat the water in the pot just below the boil, you do not need too hot steam. Place 2 tablespoons of water, white wine or broth in the bowl and heat. Then add the yolks and shake vigorously. Be careful not to overheat, egg yolks may collapse, so let the bowl occasionally remove steam and stir sideways. You can recognize the finished cream according to its beautiful shiny, bright and creamy structure. The process should take up to 5 minutes.
And now a phase similar to that of mayonnaise works, just use butter instead of oil and add it to a warm base. Apply all the butter gradually, with a faint spring, and do not stop whisking. When it's done and all the butter has successfully mixed into the yolk base, just add a pinch of pepper, salt and lemon juice. Congratulations to all who made the sauce and at this point just prepare the lost eggs.
On the photos you can see Thermomix, who will do all the work for you. Just add ingredients according to the smart robot instructions. But do not be afraid to get out of the practice, prepare sauce and classic way. :)
For the lost egg, cook slightly salted water. Add 2 more tablespoons of vinegar, which helps keep the whites together. The best fresh eggs are of course the best.
When the water reaches a rapid boil, lower the burner to a weaker performance so the water occasionally bubbling and creating a spoon swirl. Carefully poke the egg almost to the center of the whirlwind, just slightly flanking. The practical thing is to knock the egg into a shallow bowl and then bring the egg to the water. He wants a bit of a training, but he can do it for the first time.)
The second option is to use a special aid such as a molding mold or a tartar, which you put in a boiling pot with water to keep eggs again compact.
For all techniques, we cook the eggs for just 2 minutes to keep the yolk inside the liquid. Remove the finished egg using a perforated ladle.
And you can serve. Divide the asparagus on two plates, pour the center of the stems with this delicious Hollandaise sauce and place the eggs on the top.)