Chocolate-Lemon Meringue
10. September 2012

So this one with the working title "Maringue Harailosh" was created as follows:
I was going to bake for a friend a cake for a birthday party, definitely it should be a meringue, but I wanted to try something else than the certified ... So I was the day before the celebration of the work done research on taste and came with a friend that the combination of chocolate and lemon is very popular, refreshing to narcotic. And it was here! Paris whipped cream , a proven recipe for Lemon Cream, and because there were a lot of people in the party, double in size. This means that the cake you see in the photos is from 12 whites and 2 liters of whipped cream. Ingredients are written to normal size, but if you just want to do double, if you do not have an American oven, you also need to go to the baking cabinet twice. (You knock out the base of six whites, divide it into two large circles (one sheet, one corpus), seal and then whisk again from six whites ...)
Also, this recipe has perfectly solved the dilemma with the remaining yolks, as they all apply in the meantime to make lemon cream .
Later, it occurred to me that Paris whipped cream would be enriched by a pinch of chili, nutmeg, cinnamon, ... but I will leave it to your imagination.
And what can I add? I think he was awesome, like a party, he had a great deal of respect and everyone wants a recipe, so here's dear friends gourmets ...

Still whisk for a few minutes until the sugar gets wet with the snow and creates a smooth, but dense, shiny and creamy mass.
Prepare 2 sheets of parchment paper, each circle to make a circle that makes it easier for you to form 4 symmetrical sticks. (about 15-20 cm large, so that two circles fit on one sheet, think of it getting a bit bigger)