They prepare and start our body for the whole day. You can also experiment here all the time. Serve with slices of meat, fried tofu, avocado. Flavor to Asian tastes or to Moroccan. You can cook the basis for the slice two days in advance and then just warm up in the morning. You can work with gluten-free ingredients such as rice, quinoa, amaranth, but you can also combine with corn flakes. You can also prepare the base for a meat, vegetable broth, but do not be afraid to prepare the slurry even on the water.
I'm curious about the salty mash. Anyway, you can look forward to another sweet potato recipe from this series I prepared for Gusto magazine.
Quino-rice mash with lost egg
27. September 2017

I have another recipe for slice, but this time with salt. All of the developed or modified salt slurries are very traditional and still popular in Asia. You can also meet them under the name "Congee" and show us a similar service to sweet mash in our traditional landscapes.

Sprinkle Quino with hot water and put it together with rice, shallot cut into fine cubes and cleaned ginger with sliced slices into a larger saucepan and bring to a boil. Take the power down to the minimum and pull at intermittent stirring for at least 3/4 hours until the rice and the quinoa have a slurry consistency and will not literally break down. Sweeten with soy sauce or salt.
Prepare the poached eggs. The jar will be great with egg or brute eye. Impermeal peas with water and stir in hot porridge, so it remains still crisp and can serve in dishes. Add the slices of radish, spring onion, egg, fresh coriander. Decorate the seeds and soak up the sesame oil to add extra sesame flavor.