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How to decorate gingerbread

How to decorate gingerbread

Every year I receive a lot of questions about the theme of honey gingerbread . Of course, they are related to the dough recipe that is dedicated to this article, and for years I have added it with various tips, tips, experiences and treats. In addition, your comments can really be helpful and answer many questions. But this year, questions have been raised about glaze and decoration at all. Also ask for as many pictures of gingerbread as possible to serve as an inspiration when you decorate. Of course, I try to answer everyone, but it is also possible that I will overlook some of them, so I suggest that you add a new mini article full of my experience and as close as possible to how to achieve perfect frosting, whatever you have in one place!

In the recipe steps, you will find all the advice and how will I add anything later or come up with questions on all the communication channels that Kitchenette has to add!

05.12.2017 I have studied and tested that it is recommended to add 2 teaspoons of starch to the mixture of one egg whites. So try. I add ingredients.

How to decorate gingerbread How to decorate gingerbread



Mix all ingredients. Exactly on grams of such a small amount of home almost no one dares, nor me, so it is necessary to blend the mixture nicely according to emotion. The clamping should be smooth to prevent the toenail tip, which will ensure sifting, handling, but also perfect mixing to dissolve the sugar crystals.


The clamp must be dense so that the comma that you make by spraying from the spoon holds a little shape and does not immediately push into the rest of the mass, but it does not dense enough to become too self-sufficient, because then it will adhere a little to the ginger and later to drool . So stir and try to run the icing spice back into the topping until you feel "just right". You can always use a few drops of lemon juice or some sugary sugar from the fine sugar for thickening.


And how to decorate? The base is a quality decorated bag. Someone can find me in the store. That's where you cut the hole as needed. To decorate the gingerbread as small as possible.
Punching should be considered as a string, not draw straight on the gingerbread, when you want to make a straight line. Then you will make a beautiful, regular striped gingerbread. Great and effective are droplets. You create a dot that you slowly stretch. Using droplets, you can beautifully decorate flakes, create flowers, hearts or stars.
My dear, I wish you a lot of success!

How to decorate gingerbread
How to decorate gingerbread
How to decorate gingerbread
How to decorate gingerbread