This quantity is on two sheets of already bonded finished wheels. Let them delight and smile on your cheeks! Beautiful Holidays to Everyone!
Salami caramel wheels
12. December 2017

Here's another promised recipe for you. I think the name and the photo speak for everything, and you do not need to get too excited. Especially lovers of salt caramel. This time there is little need to explain in the introduction, because the recipe is easy, quite fast and I'm curious how many of you will try it this year!

Mix all the ingredients on a dough and use a robot or manually make everything in a compact mass. Pack it in the foil and let it rest for at least an hour or even the next day.
Prepare a caramel cream. This can also be prepared in advance. Dissolve sugar in a thin-walled caramel pot. Proceed with caution and rather slow to prevent sugar from burning. Once the caramel is ready, add the cream, salt to taste and stir and lightly heat until everything is combined into a single caramel cream. Now, just leave the cream to cool and gradually mix into the pre-soaked softened butter.
Preheat oven to 170 ° C and prepare baking sheets with baking paper. Dough on a lightweight roll on a sheet of about 3-4 mm thick and cut the desired shapes. Bake for about 20 minutes.
Once the "wheels" cool down, you can start filling them with a cream. I like to use a confectionery bag, but you can also enjoy the eagerness and knife cream with a knife.
Prepare the icing. In the water bath slowly dissolve the chocolate with the butter. Mix, allow to cool briefly to almost the body temperature, and soak in the topped pastry, or add some crystals or salt flocks. Put on a sheet of paper laid out with baking paper or grate, let it cool down and then put it in a cool place.