Wreath - Easter Last Minute ..
6. April 2012

He traditionally hung himself with three ribbons and decorated colored eggs, as a reminder and celebration of the Holy Trinity, the fertility and blood of Jesus. Sometimes he baked with an egg placed in the center of the dough.

In a small pot, heat the milk until it is lukewarm, put the two spoons in a mug and mix with the yeast. Put the butter in the rest of the milk, dissolve and then cool.
Put 125 grams of flour, salt, sugar spoon, orange peel, milk mixed with yeast and milk mixture, stir for 20 minutes, or until it starts to bubble.
Add the remaining flour, sugar, 3 tablespoons of orange juice, egg, and make a smooth dough that you leave for 1 to 1.5 hours or until it doubles its volume.
Then put the dough on the swollen drum and treat for 2-3 minutes with your hands, divide it into 3 parts and roll off each 50 cm long roller. Tack the coat (if you like raisins, at this point suspend them between the springs of the cop), transfer to the plate and create a circle covered with a cloth to let it boil again for about 20 minutes or until it doubles the volume.
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C and bake the baking wring for 20 minutes.
Mix 3 tablespoons of orange juice with sugar powder and brush on a wreath, which quickly return to the oven for another 20 minutes or until it is beautifully golden.