Quinoa - Chilean Merlot
7. April 2012

It comes from South America, it is a traditional crop and with its great qualities it conquers the whole world. It has a high protein content, contains all 8 amino acids and many other valuable substances and minerals, does not contain gluten, therefore it is suitable for vegetarians, small children and celiacs.
It is very saturated, but is very digestible due to fiber. It has many uses in the kitchen. Classically as a piece-piece or bulgur, I like to add it to the soup. My friend Brennan bakes her with brown rice and vegetables. It can also be served on sweet, along with honey and fruit or as a slurry for children.

Rinse the quinine with water until it flows through the sieve clean, drain.
Put in a pot with water (salt) and salt, bring to a boil and let it fall for 15-20 minutes. Remove from the fire and leave for 5 minutes to rest. Swing, flush with a fork and serve.
My tip:
You can buy for example in Dm, bio shops. It is also sold in the form of flocked and ground as flour.