Lamb's back
11. February 2012

A favorite part of the lamb with the finest and most delicious meat. Try some kids too. It is very similar, it lacks the lamb's typical aroma, which makes many lambs untapped delicacy.

Preheat the oven to 220 ° C. Sprinkle the back, pepper, sprinkle some garlic, part of the herbs finely chopped, and let it swirl vigorously from all sides in a large hot pan until it is sunken from all sides. Put it into the baking mold and let the meat squeeze for another 5-10 minutes, this time in the oven. Let's soften to 170 ° C, pour the meat with the red wine, pour the juice into the juice with finely chopped shallots, garlic, the remaining herbs in all spices, honey, cover or cover with alobal. Bake for about 45 minutes with occasional juices.
We will remove the back, covered with alobal, let's rest for a while and in the meantime prepare a sauce. Put everything left in the baking dish into a small pot, take out herbs and mix it. On a moderate heat, we heat and flavor with salt, honey.
Tip: You can also add a sauce at the end with port or other dessert wine.
Tip: I prefer sweeter tastes, so with honey I do not consume more .. more honey ..
Tip: You can try the variation with rosemary or just with thyme, next time try to add a bay leaf, wild spice ..
Tip: It is very important for me to know where the meat comes from, what life, defeat, and how it gives us energy. That's why we take lamb or kid from the bio farm, and I believe that we pay for it many times.
bio lamb and kid:
Tip: Kid's meat is also excellent, very similar, just does not have what many people laugh at lamb, ie typical smell or scent, depending on which group you belong to .. So you can apply the same recipes, I have a few verified, I will supply you soon.