Spring turkey roll
21. March 2012

This recipe was quite spontaneous, I could say what the house gave, because I bought a good turkey meat after a long time around which I went home and thought what to do with it. So I yelled last night what I found in the fridge and something very good was created that I would like to share with you .. Super Easter Recipe.

First, it is necessary to wash the meat and cut it properly to create a plate of meat that can be filled and roasted. I let my skin keep the meat juicy. Now, do 4 slices, two on the jump on each side.
Fold the meat so that the skin side is down and top the top, brush with extruded garlic, grated parmesan cheese, spread the washed spinach or nettle leaves (you will seem to be too, but like spinning, it will significantly reduce its volume ), then lay the slices of butter.
Just wrap it very tightly, wrap and pull the string, or fingers push the protruding spinach leaves in and you can bake.
I used a Roman pot that was not preheated by the oven, so I put the meat in this pot, slightly soaked, peeled, put a piece of butter under and on the meat, closed the lid, not poured, put in the oven and set the temperature to 190 ° C.
I bled without opening and checking for 55 minutes, then I unlatched the lid and for another 10-15 minutes she let the skin go yellow.
You can use the usual way of baking, for example in a cast-iron baking pan, in any case it is nicely baked or covered with alobal, the meat will be so beautifully juicy.
We put the roasted carrots and spring potatoes in the skin, but the rice would be fine too.))