Grilled spring carrot
11. February 2012

It is a beautiful vegetable that is just a pity to always just chop or mix, so at home once in a while we like to bake in the whole, preserving such a wonderful taste and the rest of the baking slices the whole house. Even non-vegetable vegetables like this way of dressing.

Wash the baking dish with oil. Brush the brush with a brush, cut the 2 cm chop, put it in the baking dish and rub with the oil all the time, just a little bit of oil, but take care that the whole surface is painted. We send and put into the oven at 180 ° C. Once you turn the carrots and when it's near the final (after 30 minutes of baking), wipe them with honey or maple syrup, leave them for 10 minutes to glow and serve.
My Tips:
1. At the end you can add a little dessert or port wine to the honey, highlight the taste and the refined tongues will lick.
2. Try to add spring parsley to the carrots, this is a wonderful supplement that the kids love too. Often roasted carrots with parsley as a main meal for a daughter, just add a little potato mash or couscous, bulgur, rice, ... It looks beautiful and the kids get hold of it.
3. As a supplement, it is great for lamb, fish and poultry.