Caramelized Fennel
7. March 2012

For a long time I did not know the advice of this beautiful vegetable, probably because at home, its use did not have much tradition, so if you have the same, try this version of fennel, it is charming. You can use it as an appetizer or an attachment. If, as for fennel, you are a professional, here with some recipes. In this period, it is sold quite as well as pumpkins, root vegetables and other typical raw materials for this period. Great salads with finely chopped fennel, but about other times ...

Fennel wash, crop the ends of the stems, green shoots in the middle (save them for later decoration), the toe from the bottom, but only a few millimeters to avoid cooking. Cut it all lengthwise.
Now, let it be steamed for 10 minutes. I use ricecooker, but you can use a sieve in a pot over boiling water.
In a broader pan, dissolve the butter with a spoonful of sugar until it begins to foam, stir until the sugar dissolves. Place the fennel on the pan by cutting it down and leave it for about 5 minutes to brown in a thicker manner, then turn it and the same on the other side.
Mix the must, vinegar, salt, and bring it to the pan, fold and let it slide up. After twenty minutes, turn the fennel and gently cook for another 20-25 minutes. At the end of the day, keep an eye out, do not burn it if it is soft and you still have enough sparse juice, thicken the flame, a little fennel in the pan and reduce the juice. But I think if you keep the recipe, it will not be necessary.
You can also serve warm, lightly sprinkled with beautifully green nails.
1. Where on Bio Cucumber? In Prague and Brno ...
Another cities:
Virtually packaged 100% juice:
Except for bigger cities it probably will not be such a problem, as if in our family
does not fall for the production of calvados ..
Otherwise, the farmers' markets are sure ..
2. And something about fennel: