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Exotic dressing with miso shiro and coconut oil

Exotic dressing with miso shiro and coconut oil

Miso pastes are super healthy and therefore modern kitchens are trying to get involved in many recipes. For dressings, it is a great substitute for salt substitutes. For conservative opponents, good news, they do not know the difference ...)
Learn more in the recipe for miso soup.

10 minut - 4 porce
Exotic dressing with miso shiro and coconut oil Exotic dressing with miso shiro and coconut oil



Dissolve coconut oil if you are not in the tropics where it is kept in liquid form thanks to heat. Mix all ingredients together and mix with a fork or immersion mixer. A fine emulsion is formed.
Serve a mixture of salads and various vegetables, very well dressing is suitable for segments of sliced oranges and fried nuts such as pine, cashew or pumpkin or sunflower seeds.
