I think you'll really appreciate the basic recipe! So, take a large crust of white whole yoghurt, put yoghurt in a bowl, add two eggs, bake powder and one of the yogurt cups full of flour, half a yogurt crust, a pinch of salt, mix everything, add the fruit and crumb, . Here is the completely simplified recipe that everybody remembers. Then you only have the cup of large yoghurt in the fridge and you do not need weight or a measuring cup. :-)
I often adjust my recipes. I use healthier flours and sugars, and because we like the juicy cakes, I have somehow crossed it with a "cider of the jelly" and this is a blueberry cheesecake. I hope you enjoy it too! A beautiful summer!
Blueberry cake with cottage cheese
15. August 2017

I think summer would not be the right summer if we did not spend at least a couple of days on a cottage in the Krkonoše Mountains and if there were no mushrooms, blueberries and, of course, the subsequent gourmet processing of these forest crops. Blueberry cake from yoghurt dough I do terribly often, because it is probably the simplest verified variant.

Preheat the oven to 170 ° C for hot air. Cut the baking tray with baking paper or wipe and sprinkle with flour.
In the middle bowl, prepare with a mixture of all the ingredients a quark filling.
In the second smaller bowl, prepare all the ingredients from the ingredients.
And now it's just left to prepare the dough. Put yogurt, egg, maple syrup, salt into a larger bowl. In the second bowl, mix the remaining dry ingredients, such as flour, baking powder, soda, and mix this mixture in a yoghurt base so that the dough is not processed too much. Really just briefly to link the ingredients.
Put the dough on the plate, spread it. Add a uniform layer of cheese filling to the dough, then a layer of blueberries, and then sprinkle all the crumbs. Bake in oven and bake for 45 minutes. Allow the cake to cool and serve. :-)