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Czech Blog Awards

Czech Blog Awards

For several days I can not get to write to you all you do not even know about how it really happened on the Czech Blog Awards . And most of all I sent you a great thank you for the voices sent !!! I know that you have voted twice, and I appreciate the vote.
It was a really special and hurried day. First, after all possible work and parental responsibilities, I moved to the American Embassy with my husband, who just arrived home for three days, where I had the role of an honorary juror in the competition for the best Pecan cake that was held for the occasion of the greatest American holiday Thanksgiving. To my great surprise, I finally met her personally and shook my hand with Mr. Cuketka . She also met a friend of Julcha, alias Maškrtnice , famous for her baker's art.) One of the jurors was Ondřej Slanina. We tasted about 17 cakes and believe me, it was not easy to judge which is the most uncomfortable and the most beautiful. I love sweet but so many sugars at once ...))). Anyway, they were great.)

Then luckily I moved to the Karlín Theater, the Bolgerka and Blogger of the Year. Since I did not even dream of going to the podium during the evening, I chose a really casual dress code so I did not have to change in the meantime because I did not have the time to make a jury in the evening robe, it seemed to me bigger faux pass. :-))
It was full of surprise in the evening. Other water blogging, that is, they are experiencing a constant huge increase in fan base. Fashion and beauty blogs crack in seams, and folk and visitor values ​​are many times higher than food blogs. That's why you could meet a crowd of fanatics with a note-taking collection of the biggest bloggers from the waters.
When the Food Blog of the Year was announced at the end of the evening, as the relay went on stage, Ondřej Slanin. That made me entertained, and I thought with a smile that she had a double today.) I believed that she would definitely invite Koko or Catherine Wintero to the podium. I think the video is a much stronger medium, and it always reflects on the results. To my huge surprise in the hall was a "Kitchenette" and I still can not believe it !!!
Well, now I'm here to describe you all night long so I can thank you with all my heart because you can do it! You are a wonderful reader. You do not complain, your words are full of praise and you give me a lot of positive energies so I still have the desire to continue. In addition, you were willing to vote for the Kitchenette and twice, which made me really happy. Maybe I'm hypersensitive now, and I'm probably right about it because I'm waiting for a baby. Yes Third! :-) Tramtadadáááá! Another official statement! And because you will hear about it during the year, so back to CBA :-))) Even so, I was in the first place not prepared either outfit or words. :-))) I'm not too big a speaker, and not at all when I'm surprised, you can also check out the video that made Rest.)
Who was second and third? Or how the bloggers placed in the other categories can be found here . I love Florentine - the cook for the daughter and congratulations to her second place. Koko also congratulate you on the third one and I hope that it is too blatant. Congratulations deserve all ten, because fighting here means many good work behind !!!

I would like to ask you for advice now, I decided that the prices, that is annual consumption of products from Alpro (plant milk) and voacher for 10,000 crowns in Billi, donate to those who need help. Do you have a tip for me? Please email me to mail or in the comments below. I would like to give the prizes not to an organization, but to a direct one.
Another prize for the winner was the collaboration with Gusto (Billa), but because they have written to me and suggested to me that this co-operation, although it is a prize, is not honored and that I can produce free recipes for them she will not be pleased to give him this prize.))) Other magazines or newspapers such as Bazaar, Instyle, Marianne, Apetit, Food, Lidové Noviny, Glanc, ... even with huge expense, recipes send a fee, and I'm living a great deal today. So thank them for their cooperation so far and that they appreciate my work so much!
I'm glad that thanks to the other winnings I can help at least a little, it's your merit. Now you just have to find the right one and thank you in advance for tips and help in finding.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! You have made me great joy and so I hope that I will continue to bring you pleasure through recipes that will make you happy, enjoy and then share your love at a common table with your loved ones!

Your Marketa Kitchenette

Czech Blog Awards Czech Blog Awards