Caramel-oat biscuits
13. May 2013

I finally finished one of the recipes I invented and photographed on our winter holiday in Indonesia. Everything had to be overwhelmed and tried again, because I used the cup instead of the weight.)
They are really good and you can always improvise with them as you always do with the composition of the seeds. I like this kind of biscuit, because then there is always something to pack on a trip, a picnic or a baby on a snack without having to ruin the commercial god knows what contains "snacks."

Preheat the oven to 150 ° C. In a small pot, let the sugar be caramelized in medium to low heat. When the crystals are dissolved, add butter, milk, and stirring all the ingredients while stirring. Cream will create amazing caramel colors, aroma and taste. Stop, add seeds of vanilla pod or essence, ginger, cinnamon, (peanut butter), mix and leave to shy.
Mix flour, oat flakes, nuts, salt and soda in a bowl. Now you can add a lukewarm caramel mixture, stir and shape biscuits on two sheets of baking paper. From the quantity of one spoonful of spoonfuls that make up the balls that flatten the palm on the plate, you can also use a fork to create beautiful cuts.
Bake for 20 minutes in the light of gold.