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Rhubarb-apple almond cake

Rhubarb-apple almond cake

This delicacy has all the advantages that you will appreciate for desserts too.
It's delicate! Fresh! Gluten-free! Perhaps it also keeps the same quality for several days. The delicate spicy taste of rhubarb in combination with spices, crunchy almonds on the surface and sour cream is perfect.
Preparation is easy and fast, I would even say that even beginners here have nothing to spoil. And if you encounter the problem of digging almonds, do not worry about it. I buy almonds whole, just keep the maximum of vitamins, minerals, ... And that they have them !!! Apply Almond, blender, any knife mixer or stick mixer to a fine meal. Perhaps the competition of beauty does not win this dessert, but you will surely save the taste and serving.

20 minut - 0 porce
Rhubarb-apple almond cake Rhubarb-apple almond cake


1. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
2. Fruit (rhubarb and apple) along with sugar and spices on a larger baker bake in the oven for approximately 20 minutes until it dries. You can also do this in a larger pot on the plate.
3. In the middle bowl, whisk eggs together with sugar into the foam. When sugar eggs are nicely fluffy, mix butter with ground almonds into smooth creamy to pasty dough.
4. Put a rhubarb filling into a large frying bowl or a larger pan. Cover it evenly with almond powder and sprinkle with almonds.
I used two round bowls and it's mainly for taking pictures, so do not be fooled by the size of mine. Fillers and dough are more in line with the recipe. It corresponds to a conventional sheet or large fuser (30 × 20 cm).
5. Bake 20-25 minutes into gold. Serve warm with a spoonful of sour cream or Greek yoghurt. Wonderful is that even the third day, that's for me today, the dessert is just as delicious.)

Rhubarb-apple almond cake
Rhubarb-apple almond cake