Snow Cave
4. June 2013

You'll be fine when you solve the dilemma with the remaining whites. I usually bake some of the meringue or pavlova cakes that solve this situation in a great and elegant way, but this time I wanted to find a recipe for a more durable puppet, because the cake would not be consumed in these days. And, in truth, I'm a little lazy about those, so beautiful, and memories of grandmothers that make up dessert shapes. Puppet forms are incredibly poetic subjects. I love them!
The result was great for many days. So I recommend and send on. Perhaps I could care for a little less time, so I recommend watching the doll better than me.) It's fragrant, fluffy and very good.
30 minut

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C and erase the pear form.
Beat the whites with two tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt in a firm, snowy breeze. Blow slowly so the snow has all its qualities.
(The bowl and broom must be completely degreased, a pinch of salt or a few drops of lemon will also help.) Whisks from the beginning very slowly and be patient, because the slow whipping ensures the creation of the smallest bubbles with a tighter membrane that ensures a steadier and firmer snow. patience, but it also pays for baking white desserts such as Pavlov, Meringue, ...)
(The bowl and broom must be completely degreased, a pinch of salt or a few drops of lemon will also help.) Whisks from the beginning very slowly and be patient, because the slow whipping ensures the creation of the smallest bubbles with a tighter membrane that ensures a steadier and firmer snow. patience, but it also pays for baking white desserts such as Pavlov, Meringue, ...)
Mix the remaining sugar with flour, starch and baking powder. Pass into whipped whites, add bark, extract and gently mix. Then carefully mix the butter and pour into the towel mold.
Bake for about 30 minutes and test the score for the skewers. After cooling down, you can carefully tilt it onto the plate.