Máslový croissant
23. April 2013

When you are caught up in croissant madness and you want to cook home, here you have a recipe for the classic and progress photos that will make it easier. It is not difficult at all, just a little time consuming. But it's worth it!)

Mix lukewarm (not hot) milk with sugar, yeast and allow to rise in a warm place. When the quail is beautifully bubbled, mix it with flour, salt and ideally with a kitchen robot with kneading hooks to make a fine and very smooth dough. Approximately 10 minutes.
Move the dough to the swollen drum and continue to knead this time with your hands. Add a little flour once a time, so that the resulting dough is smooth and a bit sticky. Rinse the rectangle approximately 3-4 cm thick, wrap it in the foil and allow it to cool in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
Between the two baking papers, use a dough roller from the butter block to create a square plate of approximate size, such as the dough square of the dough. Butter does not have to be softer. I use the roller for baking and squeezing butter rather than doughing. Also cool the butter, it will take 10-25 minutes.
Place the dough on the slightly wounded roll, roll it to double the size and proceed as shown. Place the butter diagonally in the center, wrap it as an envelope, brush the excess flour and roll it over to a rectangle. Do not force the roller too much, rather mild pressure and undo the movement. Dust the dough, fold it to the third, wrap it in the foil and allow it to cool again for 1 hour.
Add 3 more times and reload the dough to the third. Bring an hour to cool each hour. Before finishing, cool for at least 6-8 hours, but not more than 18 hours, then it will not feel good anymore.
Now, shaping. It's about 16, and it's good when you come across two sheets of baking paper. Proceed ideally again according to the pictures. Dough the dough on a narrow 20-25 cm long and very long, so you do not fit on a roll. Use a knife or rack to cut into triangles (you can also help with a ruler) whose center in the center cut 1.5 cm. From each triangle, roll the roll from the base toward the tip. Place the croissants on a large plate and the toe of the rolls can be turned in. Brush the egg with one spoonful of water and allow it to rise in warm conditions for approximately 1.5-2 hours. (I do not recommend kneading in the heated oven, but the butter could be released from the dough prematurely.)
Preheat oven to 200 ° C with hot air. Swab the croissants again with the egg, place the plates in the upper and lower third of the oven and bake for 10 minutes. Then discard the sheets and cook another 8-10 minutes. Color tells you. Cool ideally on the grid and serve still warm.)