Potato bread
13. May 2012

Very good and functional recipe for perfect bread. So if you've been fed up with shopping for fast-paced, dyed and preserved pastries, there's nothing easier than you can do home-made bread, such as organic flour and home-made rye. Recipe on Potato Sliced Bread with Walnuts can be found here . A detailed description of how to make a clove you can find on sour bread or you can already buy it in some bakeries that still use old good techniques ... But believe me, there is nothing easier than mixing rye flour with water and following the instructions for above mentioned pages to proceed ...
For uninhabited, rye flour contains very little gluten, it is harder to digest, so it is good to use rye chewing, which, in a very simplified way, will make it easier ... The carbon dioxide that produces the yeast in the yeast makes the bread more fluffy and faster . Kvásek also ensures longer durability, suppleness and resistance to mold. The body takes more nutrients, and so on ...
To make the dough well, use at least one of five parts of wheat flour (eg type 550 wheat flour light), but this is already general, so you do not have to deal with this recipe.

Mix the chipped or grated potatoes with flour, salt, coriander and caraway. Pour the yeast or freshly crumbed into 200 ml of water, dissolve and add honey, pour into flour and make a smooth dough. The water can be up to 400 ml depending on the amount of flour. I use bread flour from bioharmony and 200 ml was rich enough.
When the dough is smooth and well bent, cover with a cloth and let it drench for approximately 2 hours. The second option is if you prepare dough in the evenings and you want to bake it in the morning, cover with food foil and let go in the refrigerator overnight.
Pour the dough on the roller, add nuts and other seeds, make a smooth loaf, sprinkle with flour, make a few cross cuts with a sharp knife and let it grow again in a warm place under a clean cloth.
Approximately 1 hour until it doubles its volume. If I try to speed up the process, I heat the oven to 50 ° C until I process the dough into the dough, switch off the oven and put the dough covered with a cloth.
Preheat the oven to 220 ° C, place a shallow baking dish to serve as an air humidifier to prevent rapid hardening of the crust and insufficient swelling. This means that when you put the bread dough into the oven, pour approximately 0.5 liters of cold water into the pot on the bottom of the oven.
Bake for 30-40 minutes. If you knock on a crust, a hollow sound should be heard.
Bake the baked bread on the grill.