Pumpkin with zucchini-carrot tagliatella and miso dressing
22. May 2012

This is more like inspiration, for healthy, nice, delicious and super fast food than a recipe ... You can buy any fish fillet. I often throw a sea wolf or a Nile perch because they are very tasty fish and fillets are boneless. It's also another way to use a healthy miso paste in practice ... Optionally you can add some fresh herbs.

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
Wash the fish fillets, wipe with oil, sprinkle with a little lemon peel and place on a baking dish or baking dish. Such thin fillets are enough to bake 7 minutes, stronger than salmon or Nilan perch for about 10 to 12 minutes.
Wash and clean the vegetables. Using a slicer or a sharp knife, cut the carrots and courgettes lengthwise onto slices 2-3 mm thin. In a medium pot with a little water (0.5 - 1 dcl), let the carrots first, when it is soft, add courgettes. Cook cooked, or use a steam pot or ricecooker. It is enough for us to soften the carrot and the courgette a bit, and become flexible enough to roll and crack. On the other hand, keeping vitamins is desirable, so I cook in steam. Dressing everything afterwards and delivers the fat needed to digest and pick up nutrition from vegetables.
Meanwhile, prepare dressing. Immerse the miso paste, 2 tablespoons of oil, vinegar, honey, ginger. (the miso must not pass through the boil so it does not matter, so we will mix the dressing for the vegetables later)
By this time, the fish should be ready and the vegetables soft, but still crunchy.
Serve the fish on a plate, mix the vegetables with dressing in a bowl, and arrange for a fish with a fork or kitchen tweezers.
Thoroughly sprinkle sesame seeds, which you can bite shortly before.