Advent wreaths
3. December 2012

The first Advent Sunday is behind us, and I attach some insignificant inspiration in the photos of my homework.
Every year I buy a corpus and I try to make my family happy with my own ideas. I do not really care about artificial ornaments, and that's why I make wreaths myself, so I usually buy in a florist or pick up all sorts of berries and arrows, mistletoe, mimosa, thistle, all-colored bridal veil, a pair of ribbons and that's it. Then, using a binding wire or a fusible gun, I attach the twisted twigs, add a ribbon and it is.
This year I was a bit experimenting and instead of a wreath I used a square wooden tray on which I placed a saucer with arranging mass, which is filled with water and prolongs the durability. Very easily, on all sides and the top you will join twigs and other flowers ...