I prepared a fine pâté with port wine and port wine gelatin and currant jam. Do not be afraid of the lamb aroma, the pâté is great, the delicate and the lamb fat you never refuse.)
The recipe is probably not what you can supply, everything you can find below. Just decide in which containers you will give the pâté. You can form a patch, for example, in a classic spine or use one-sided glasses. Perhaps those with a spring lid or, for example, classically beautiful glass weck . Paste can easily become a nice personal gift. I donated one friend from Argentina to a day of friendship that is of great importance to them.)
Lamb pate
15. September 2015

Once in a while, we order a whole lamb or a kid from the farm from friends. Lamb or kid's meat is great and very healthy, so it's mainly because I prepare my kids quite often. And it's really amazing how many "farmer" friends I have around me.) Last time I bought a lamb from Lukas Hejlik, who I can say is my friend. It combines the joy of good food and deepens our common friendship at the occasional gastronomic circles that we organize or just together with family to have a good dinner. Lukáš also has his Gastromap , where you can see what interesting businesses he has discovered outside of Prague. But to get back to the topic. Luke asked me if I want a lamb and a jatter, and at this point my plan was quite clear!

In a larger pan, bake the English bacon with the onion. When the onion is soft, add garlic, bay leaves, rosemary without a stem, and rest shortly. Cut the liver into smaller cubes and add it to the other ingredients. After a while, add the port wine and rest again so the liver is ready inside and the wine evaporates slightly.
Remove the bay leaf from the mixture and mix it with a delicious cream using a food processor or blender . Return the mixture to the pan, add the sweet cream, season, pepper to taste, stir well and heat.
Now you can fill your chosen type of container with a pâté. Great glasses are one-sided or fuser or you can also use the form on the back. Put it in the refrigerator and let it cool for at least several hours or the next day, depending on the size of the mold.
When the pate is sufficiently cooled, prepare jelly from the port wine. Dip half a slice of gelatin into cold water for 5 minutes and let it swell. Meanwhile, in a small pot, warm the port wine with the currant jam to warm the jam well and blend the mixture. It will be enough to warm up to about 50 ° C. Load the gelatine, add it to the port mixture and stir until it dissolves well. Once done, you can pour it on the pâté and let it cool again.
Comments and tips on the recipe were prepared by Nutrition Advisor Věra Burešová of NATURHOUSE .
"The pâté recipe looks like a complete delicacy. As far as reducing dieting is concerned, I would not recommend it to the content of cream and currant jam. If you rarely give breakfast a bit of such a rye bread pâté, we can "risk" it in reducing, but really careful. "
"Lamb meat as such may be recommended once a maximum twice a week in the diet. It is rich in minerals mainly iron and zinc. "
"Thyme is a herb that improves digestion, has a beneficial effect against diarrhea and flatulence. Rosemary is known for its beneficial effects on digestion, it also promotes sweating and has detoxifying effects. The bay leaf, like thyme, works well for digestion, for gas and for stomach pain. "