I consulted with my dear colleagues a little, and I decided to buy a clean natural pectin in our Kitchenetteshop because it is not as common to get it. (From Monday it will be possible to buy it in the store .) Commonly selling gelling sugars contain many substances and preservatives, the harmfulness of which has been proven and definitely not home to me! The pectin contained in them often comes from GMO food, etc. It is not necessary to use it for each jar, but then we have to take a thinner consistency or reduce the excess juice, which in turn leads to the loss of vitamins.
That is, rule number 1 is to cook the fruit for as short a time as possible , but certainly not to use a large pot for preparing marmalade, where the larger area allows the evaporation of the liquid. If you have a thermometer in your kitchen, the "potion" should be over 100 ° C. You do not need 1: 1 (sugar: fruit) and 1: 2, depending on your taste, but it is good to increase the pectin ratio slightly. It does not mean, however, that you will go without sugar completely, it also has the function of a preservative. But it also counts the sugar contained in the fruit. How much pectin to use can be found on the packaging. There are more species and basically differ in the intensity of gelling depending on the amount of sugar you add to the fruit. Approximately you will need 1 - 2 teaspoons per 1 kg of fruit. (Our citrus pectin is intended for less dulled marmalades and you need 4 to 10 grams per 1 kg of fruit. If you graduate 1: 1, use a maximum of 1 teaspoon of coffee.) It should also be mentioned that the fruit contains more or less pectin , so you always pay a "platter test". I attach at least a small list of high pectin fruit: apples, gooseberries, grapes, blackberries and currants.
Dosage with fructose, various vegetable syrups or sugar cane with higher molasses content . You certainly know that each of these sweeteners carries with it, more or less, a distinct taste, and so it is up to you to choose and whether this taste will be pleasant. Molasses is a good example.
You can also add citrus juice or citric acid to jams or marmalades. They are made not only for their sour taste, but also because they provide a beautiful colorful color of marmalade and, moreover, help to preserve it. But be careful, too much acid, whether fresh lemon or citric acid from the bag can destroy pectin and its gelling function, which is good to know.)
I would have almost forgotten. The best is seasonal fruit jam and, of course, local, which is at the top of maturity or even slightly unruly. It contains more pectin and acids, and the consistency is naturally more dense.)
If you want to increase your jam to a higher level , you can try adding some other spices or herbs. I personally prefer vanilla , but I also tried a couple of rosemary sprigs in apricot marmalade and the result is really good and unusual. If you do not want to take the risk, add the flavor infusion until most glasses have been filled. Simply add the desired flavor to the rest of the jam in the pot, heat and fill in the glass. )
I add a list of other ingredients that can inspire you: star anise, mint ( extract or fresh leaves that you remove from the glass), cinnamon, jasmine (extract), lemon peel, orange blossoms (extract), port or other dessert wine, a combination of pear and black-eyed fruit is also great ... In the store, the collection of extracts and essences is slowly expanding, we choose only the highest quality and natural origin, so you can taste even in these flavors and fragrances if it will resonate with you.