You will need fresh milk. I prefer using whole fresh organic milk. If you use less fat, the resulting yoghurt will be tighter. The quality of the resulting yogurt is directly proportional to the quality of the milk you use. I would almost forget to mention that if you buy milk directly from the farmer and do not pasteurize it is necessary to do this. There are several types of pasteurization. That's gentle means to warm the milk to 72 ° C for 30 seconds, then cool to 40 ° C.
With pasteurized milk you can start working and inoculate it with yogurt culture, but to stabilize the subsequent yoghurt texture, it is recommended to do another optional step. Heat the milk to 95 ° C, then cool it to 40 ° C. This ensures that yoghurt is solid even after mixing it. It is good to prepare a bath for cooling, but mainly to save time, if you let the milk cool down spontaneously, it will not change anything technologically, but on the other hand, you will increase the volume of milk by infecting inappropriate bacteria.)
You also need yogurt culture. You have two options. Either in a specialized shop you buy this culture in powder or you use the culture of yogurt you like. It must be a yogurt that is not in any way sweetened and contains truly living cultures. I have tested the Selský yogurt - Hollandia. It's actually such a good yogurt test that they are really high quality and contain live cultures because a few years ago I bought a healthy diet in Demeter yoghurt from German bio-production, assuming it would be a great starter and no yogurt (I already know that I do not buy yogurts.
The last point that seems to me to be an automatic step is sterility. Therefore, we must have all the tools clean so that some undesirable organisms, along with those desirable, do not grow in the milk.) Glasses are ideal sterilized.
Home Yoghurt
3. August 2015

This recipe is mainly for the owners of the Drying or Sous Vide Baths , because with both of these devices the production of domestic yogurt is possible, even absolutely simple. You often write to me about the recipe, so here you have it.)
For yogurt production, you need an environment that preserves the exact temperature for a set period of time, so the temperature controlled driers or the Sous Vide spa are perfect. Yogurt is also sold, but if you have one of these devices, you do not need anything else.

Mix milk with yogurt, divide into glasses or boxes and store in a dryer or bath . If you use Sous vide bath, it will be enough if the glass is immersed in half its height. Turn glasses of future yogurt with the lid so that the air comes in. The boxes, which are directly from the manufacturer of the dryer, already have small holes in the lid. I also use Weck glasses , I cover them with a glass lid without using a rubber band.
Set the temperature to 45 ° C (same for Dryers and Sous Vide) and time for 6 - 7 hours. Do not mix during the fermentation process!
After the time has elapsed, the yogurt is ready and you just have to cool it in the fridge. If you like yogurt more acidic, you can extend the cooking time to 10 hours.
Heat the milk to 42-45 ° C, add the culture and stir until it dissolves. Divide the milk into the glasses and ferment (in a dryer or SousVide bath) at 45 ° C for 8-10 hours. Do not mix.
Make ready yoghurt again to cool and done! If you decide to reuse the culture of your yogurt, take three spoonfuls from it and follow the instructions A.) You can recycle it from 8 to 10 times, shorten the fermentation time to 5 hours.