Couscous is a semolina pasta originating in Morocco. Small grains of coarse-grained wheat are cooked in salt water, dried and modified to form dry couscous as you can buy in the store. In stores you can also find a whole grain couscous, which is always better. It has a lot more minerals, fiber and thus a lower glycemic index. Like most basic ingredients, our body is much healthier. For change, you can also try instead of couscous in this recipe, bulgur, which has a slightly coarser structure and I like to use it very much. It is almost the same food and even the production process, but its taste is different, more hazel. Both of these ingredients are prepared in the same way. They are fired with hot or lukewarm water or flesh and leave to swell under the lid.
I prepared this recipe along with the recipe for turkey burger, which you will find tomorrow, for Minerva olive oil as a media press, but I think it would be a pity to get rid of these recipes and not add them here.)
Greek couscous salad
15. July 2015

If you ever need to drink more people with different tastes, try this salad. Not only is it relatively fast, simple, and it is not a problem to make it bigger and maybe even a little bit ahead, but it also tastes almost every mellow language. At the same time, it's not too exotic, so do not worry that it would not be suitable for one of these reasons. It is pleasant in summer because it refreshes and satires. Thanks to cheese and chickpeas it contains enough protein and can be a suitable main vegetarian dish or it can be an attachment to meat or fish.

Put a couscous, two tablespoons of olive oil, a pinch of salt, oregano and mix with a fork to make a nice coat of each grain. Apply this mixture with hot or warm water or water, fold over the lid and let it swell. After 5 to 10 minutes depending on the temperature of the water, the couscous will be soft to the bite and thus ready and ready for the next procedure.
Meanwhile, prepare all the remaining ingredients in the salad bowl. Finish the couscous with a fork and add it to the bowl. Mix everything lightly, add fresh oregano to the top and decorate the lettuce so lukewarm or even chilled. It will make a pleasant and aromatic accompaniment to grilled meat or may be the main vegetarian dish served with, for example, Greek pita bread.)