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Lamb on rosé, honey and rosemary

Lamb on rosé, honey and rosemary

So here's the recipe for the amazing ein topf, which I cook for many years a year for a couple of years, I mean it is truly authenticated with all the dirty tongues from my wide range.
It comes from my favorite and several times mentioned Cook Cooking School Provence , which has already been published in Czech.
Again, I regret the fact that you can not virtually convey all the sensory experiences that belong to this delicacy! So I hope some of you will like the recipe, you will try it, and with similar enthusiasm as I can come back here and confirm that I'm right when I write that the meat is just falling apart, the marinade is more than genius, the total and the overall effect maximal! )))
So perhaps I can recommend as a quinoium , bulgur, couscous, or some sort of cheeses and say that this is too tasty for children.

20 minut - 0 porce


1. Cut the meat into larger pieces, season, pepper and wipe with honey. In the hot pan, fry the meat in oil from all sides until it is sufficiently tightened and tightened. (about 5-8 minutes)
2. Add the shallots, garlic, carrots, celery, onions, stir and taste with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Stir the mixture partially in a very gentle fire for 10-15 minutes.
3. Gradually we apply "Rosemary Brioche", we still cook the meat only slightly and with a partially folded lid. So stir up occasionally for up to 2 hours until the flesh is as soft as you like. You can still add salt, pepper and honey.
