This year we were on a boat trip along the canals of Champagne and Burgundy wines and we also visited where they invented these snails. The lady said that they were trying all sorts of stuff, but that it was the best one.) So I'm giving you a recipe right from the source. That's why I add some photos from this trip.)
Snails on Burgundy
20. November 2015

What do you want to make a Christmas or other banquet ceremony in Burgundy? It's a great and impressive starter that's really easy. You can also prepare them in advance, fill the shells and store them in the refrigerator or freezer, then they will last for a long time. On Christmas Eve you will not spend so much time in the kitchen but with your loved ones.
Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Prepare a pan, saucepan or other container suitable for use in the oven and fill the bottom with clean pebbles, stones, stones or sea salt, which also greatly serve to stabilize the snails so that they do not flow out of all the fillings during the baking process. In the middle bowl, mix butter with ginger, garlic, finely chopped parsley, pinch of salt and cognac.
Squeeze the screws over the delicate strainer, rinse with water and lightly dry with a paper towel. Prepare the shells, put the screw in each of them first, and add the herring with the herb butter so that it is full to the edge. When all the screws are filled, put them on the prepared pan so that they can not drain the butter during baking. Stones or salt can help you stabilize them.
Put the pan in the oven and bake for 10 minutes until the filling in all the shells is bubbling. You can serve directly in the kettle where you screw the screws. Bottom fillers will keep the contents for a long time, and they look nice too.) To keep your guests happy, keep the fork tight, which you can take to the shell. I found many alternatives at home. Also, for example, an old piece of French antiquity for mincing crab meat or, for example, crawfish meat.
Comments and tips on the recipe were prepared by Nutrition Advisor Věra Burešová of NATURHOUSE .
Garlic is referred to as a natural antibiotic, this fact was known by ancient nations. It also contains vitamins A, B, C and minerals like calcium, iodine and selenium. Not only that we greatly flavor it, but also do something good for our immune system. In addition, garlic helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol, greatly improves digestion and supports the body in weight loss.