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Rosemary infusion á la Guy Gedda

Rosemary infusion á la Guy Gedda

This infusion, a kind of marinade, comes from my favorite cookbook, which I mentioned in a recipe for reversed cake ... Cooking School Provence (It's already available in Czech.)
And I pass it on this form mainly because of my (our) most favorite recipe from this book that will follow.
As Guy Gedda says, you can work with the boil as a brew. Or when it is completely chilled like with a marinade (you can put the meat for at least 6 hours or overnight). Also like sauce flavor. He writes that it is good to use the infusion not only for the filling of pre-fleshy meat and subsequent stewing, but to give the meat a boiling infusion after it has been washed and dried again in lemon or vinegar water. Keep it in medium to strong boil until the meat is soft.

15 minut - 0 porce
Rosemary infusion á la Guy Gedda


1. Boil the water, add rosemary, bay leaves, juniper, dried bark, soften the fire and cook for 15 minutes.
2. Add the wine to the brine and cook until a third of the liquid evaporates. We sneak and it's done! The result should be 1.5 liters of bloom, I often reduce it a bit.
