I've been through this book and my party for a year and a half of my private life, so you probably understand that it's not all about work, it's about our lives. Everywhere with me my children, sometimes my partner. And so on the pictures you can see how the kids grew. Sometimes it was hard for me to keep pace with others, but the children grew to the heart for a while, so Ruben often flew through the air when the guys threw him and Issacek showed his father what it was like to have a small baby in his hand. Gretka was again a mate in the kitchen and she cooked a lot with us. He even has a recipe in his cookbook.
What's our cook?
That's easy! Like a fusion of all of us. It will breathe the atmosphere of different seasons throughout the year. And then all the magical and photogenic places we've visited. Every time we have had long discussions and invented a menu to cover everything. In order to capture the season and also to make something of salty, something sweet, something big and small, in each book. But always to our passionate and mainly from the heart. I put each of her into her.
So you can find many meatless dishes, as well as meat, as well as various salads, but not just stuffed with the content, but really the recipes you want to take from your friend. Some appetizers and sweet ones. Many and gluten-free. A little classic in a new coat.
The book will be full of beautiful photos and I dare say that it will not only be interesting content but also art and photography. You will also find special guests and recipes from them. Préma Foret (Entrée Restaurant in Olomouc), Jana Bilíková (creative part of Ambiente team) and even Punk Rock Cakes cooked with us. Maybe I have answered a little. But calmly write down the comments and I am happy to answer. I'm here every day. :-)
Who are the authors and guests?
In order to give you a chance to understand what "fusion of all of us" means, I have to imagine the other authors and visiting authors.
Lukáš Hejlik , such a founder, I have already introduced you in the first article. Although he probably does not need to pose it. Luke is an extremely active and powerful person. Actor, moderator, gastronomic enthusiast. He founded Gastromapu Lukáš Hejlík . He invented Scrolling , theater excursions across the book that are played throughout the country. Sometimes even as one man show. Books are exclusive and often still warm from the printer. As we have written earlier, Lukáš has been steadily steer the whole of this project, and it has often stung us with its urgency. But of course, in every team, one has to hold such a function, and Luke is a great thanks. The least of all he is cooking and so we help him in every chapter. No, he's cooking, but he's having fun having so many chefs around. :-D
Jana Králiková
It is an amazingly positive personality, which has grown to my heart that year. Jana is a gastronomic enthusiast with common sense. Blogger on the blog Basically healthy . Like I do not like any fanaticism in nutrition. She is a cook cook, a nutritionist and a nutritionist. She is with me a lecturer at the Gourmet Academy . She enjoys a lot of Vietnamese cuisine. Occasionally, he runs groups of Sapa. And because she knows a lot about all these exotic herbs, she made the website asijskebylinky.cz , where they all nicely described and photographed. During this year and a half with us, she also married and adopted this beautiful surname she suffers because she reads and writes briefly.
Darina Křivánková
At the moment she is Editor-in-Chief of Food magazine, a journalist in Reflex, previously you could see her and read her in Gourmet magazine's editorial. But Darinka has kept us as professional supervisor. Her opinion always has a weight and, of course, gives her head and heel. Not only is he literally talented and experienced, he can boss the magazine but also cooks great. So she had definitely what to put in and what to convey to the cookbook. He is also one of those people who can not stand quiet because he always has several projects. She spent much of her life at the beautiful beauties of Kmetinvas, which you can see in the book and our videos.
Marika and Jirka Kůčovci
They are married in the kitchen. So different and at the same time the same. I complement each other and they also have a little contrition. Marika is a quiet, ethereal fairy, who does not speak much. Whenever she appeared in our discussion, there was a wave of laughter, confusion and wonder. Jirka is again synonymous with a sense of humor. With him, you can spend the evening with him and you can be sure to come back home with his sore abdominal muscles. And that's why I can not imagine Gastrokrouzek without them. They have the Kitchenstory.com blog, released their first cook in the kitchen last year and opened an e-shop of the same name.
Georg "Becherovka" German
He came to us as an unobtrusive guest. Pleasant refreshment a little from other waters. I suspect that Luke told us that. "Well he travels a lot, so he's not too often on the rings, he's such a world-renowned bartender ..." And wonder, maybe he liked us because I think he did not miss a single chapter and always really mixed for us incredible drinks. For me, non-alcoholic. :-) Georg has gathered so many gold medals for mixing drinks around the world that we can actually go with our modest blogs and awards that we have received for them in the sum of us all. On our book, I think that his work will be quite unique, because the drinks will be a great bonus.
In addition, Georg is also quite funny, so besides drinking spells a wonderful atmosphere. I believe he would be in the fashion industry, because he always had the most cool outfit for every chapter! Judge yourself. Becherovkavoyager.
Who's behind photos, graphics, but also cooking?
Katka, Lucka and Adam
I have to put this one in one paragraph because they are so intertwined.
Katka Podoláková together with Lucka Fenclová , our talented photographer, who stands behind the cook, is a blogger Taste of place . She's been in our sand for a couple of years. In addition, Katka is studying the graphic design, and it is our diligent bee that also did not mind contributing its recipe to the book. And here I am going to join Adam Dvorak . Besides, Adam is Katka kid, and somehow he was slowly infiltrated into a party. Adam is also a handsome graphic designer, so he and Katka are behind the whole graphic work of this piece. From logos to beginning, break, illustrations, ... In short they pulled together for one rope, and I believe they really did. You can not ask Adam because he is awfully humorous and on the other hand I probably inspired him or he said that there was nothing we could do and he could not because he founded a blog Taste of Red a few months ago . If you hear a bit of exaggeration in that name, you're right. Infinite humor you find so much on him and you can take a recipe from his visit to his world. Imagine he's already got an offer for a book! :-D
I will return to Lucius, because her role as a photographer is definitely unforgettable. I think Lucky's main floor is a lifestyle, and I believe that she has put the maximum in this regard. That book is full of beautiful soft photos full of atmosphere. In addition, you can watch Lucky here with me on my blog because I made the last video recipes with her.
Marek Jarkovský
Mara was such an invisible spirit with a terribly pleasant energy, plus a talent and a camera in his hand. Marek filmed almost all of our meetings, recording every chapter of the book on this format. He then cut everything and finished with Luke as a commentator. That's why you can hardly see Mark on any record. But he was there with us, and he had been an integral part of that almost a year and a half. Thank you so much for your wonderful work and always positive affection. Marek
I'll add at least a video from the last chapter, but you can see all of them at /UCtPo-HQjhyT-FLJUOLP_oOQ">youtube .
Adéla Hálková
Adelka and her Doom Caramel I have already introduced. The Adélka was always a calm water that connected us all together. She was the quiet leader, who always kept us in the right direction by diplomatic, mild and peaceful force. The lives of all of us have inevitably imprinted on the cookbook and the pictures are especially for children to see how time has passed. Adélka spent her entire pregnancy this year and a half, and before Christmas she brought a beautiful little angel into the world. And never for all of us never stopped supporting us. I still have to get a picture and then give it to her in all its beauty, because this tiny blonde is not only smart, but also very beautiful.
Partners and why do we have them?
From the beginning, we were united in not wanting a banner in the cookbook and advertising at all around us. But the cost of such a book is a lot of money, and last but not least it is a costly print. And if you want to have beautiful paper, and in the end hold a really beautiful book in hand, it's worth it. And so we've been approached by various partners to help us figure out that a video will be created from each chapter to help reward our partners with their support in making a book. That is why our videos were created and we are very fond of them. So we thank all our partners for helping us, they often come and experience it all with us. Some guests also contributed to the book. It was Wine Michlovsky , Electrolux , Cheese Taurus , Meat Klouda and Coffeespot-Roasted Coffee .
And finally I will ask you ...
Would you buy her?
Do you support this party of excited friends?
Do you want to meet us personally?
If you answered YES, my heart is crying, I'm so excited and thank you all in advance for your support! Besides, without your support, we would not even let you go to the cookbook.
May 1 is coming out and we will go almost behind you. So, such a small May tour around the country. Here you'll find up-to-date information . You can buy the book directly from us. We will try to be almost everyone. I already know that I will not be coming back on May 11, because I will have a booth in Holešovice at the Mini Festival . But I'll have the cooks with me too, so if only my dedication and signature is enough, stop there with me. It will also be available on our eshop from the first day. The first link here.
If you've read this up, you're awesome.
I will look forward to seeing you meet somewhere in May.
Thank you xxx