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Beautiful Christmas 2016

Beautiful Christmas 2016

I hope you have lived and are still experiencing a festive moment full of festive atmosphere, comfort and love.

You probably also noticed this by the intensity of my work here on the blog, but the second half of this year was really challenging. It was all over my head, so I did not really try to make new recipes, though I would love it. It's amazing that blogging does not stop having fun at all, and it will be blogging to celebrate in February 5 years. All I want to say is that once my hands are released, there will certainly be plenty of new recipes and videos. I'm looking forward to it, I can not wait, but it's obviously my time and right now I needed to focus all my energy on other important things. To family, children, and reassessment and organization of my life so that I could enter the New Year with a clear head and a clear goal.
I would like to thank all of you here to thank for your trust, loyalty and a large number of positive comments, feedback, and email this year. You are really great and you are really delighted. You deliver the energy you need every time. I'm delighted that you are writing that your recipes work the way they do. That thanks to them you give love to your loved ones and that you are here to relax and just enjoy.

Thank you very much for this and I wish you only the most beautiful moments of well-being with your closest love, harmony and festive atmosphere. Enjoy the moment when the world stops for a moment and helps us forget about work, worries, emails, or anything we do for a few days. Enjoy your loved ones, play with children, talk and draw memories and grandmothers from grandmothers and grandparents, enjoy your slow and aimless walks in nature, and just be happy.
To slip into New Year with lightness, freedom, clean head, clear purpose and elegance like my fairy in the picture. This year has become a great inspiration for me. :-)

Beautiful Christmas and Happy New Year 2017,

Your Markéta
