I have to admit that I really believe in the energy of food and the meat is double. I often do not disagree about these things lately, and I certainly do not have the need to lead endless debates and guesses with people, I'm just not the right kind of conflict.) But I also think it's important to talk about things to move in, even if only a small piece ....
I believe that if the cattle experienced poor quality of life, he felt stressed, he was nourished by poor diet, lacked freedom of movement, the sun or was ill-treated, all these negative experiences were written into every muscle, cell and bone. Another factor important to me for selecting quality beef is more about my moral feeling. I do not want to support farms where whole farming is subject to standards that are not acceptable to me. So I think it makes sense to spend some time, energy or even money on choosing really healthy foods, raw materials, meat, ...
Stewed beef on red wine and rosemary
21. October 2015

Stewed beef is exactly one of the meals that I really welcome in the coming autumn, and I really like to cook. During the summer, I would probably be vegetarian without a problem, but when the autumn comes, I cook some soups and I cook some bacon, ragout or something once in a while. I do not buy beef too often, but if I do, I really care about it, and I always try to find some quality beef from controlled small breeds, organic quality or from a certified farmer.

Prepare a medium pot. I'd rather use those fine cast irons. Heat the fat and cut all the onion on it. When the onion is soft, add the meat and rest it vigorously to pull it on all sides and then be juicy. Finally put in the pot all the shallots devoid only of dry peel, all carrots, bay leaf and 4 rosemary roses. Mix everything, lightly with hot water or with a glass of wine and a glass of wine.
Take the power, fold the pot and pull it slowly. Mix once in a time with the bottom and, if necessary, apply wine. When you reach the final stage, mix the mixture according to your taste and also season with pepper. You will know that everything is done, according to the delicate meat and pleasant juices.
Preferably, these meals serve quinoa, couscous or even bulgur, but stewed rice is also great. Use the rosemary left on top to decorate the top.
Comments and tips on the recipe were prepared by Nutrition Advisor Věra Burešová of NATURHOUSE .
Do you know what ghee is? It's butter and has been used for centuries mainly in India, but it was also known to our grandmothers. Its advantage is that it can be stored for a long time without any other preservatives. In addition, the transference process removes all dirt from the butter. Ghee contains a number of vitamins and minerals that detoxify the body, improve digestion and even rejuvenate. It is also used for scars or blisters.
If you recipe this recipe for example with a quinine, you will be able to make a meal of high-quality cereal that contains a lot of protein. Quinoa is one of the oldest cereals from South America. Besides proteins, it contains, for example, magnesium, sodium, vitamin B2, potassium, fiber and others.