Strawberry chia smoothie
31. July 2012
As I try to involve the seeds of chia as much as possible, I attach inspiration to you as well. Recently, I'm a little bit cheerful (not just you) and because it's a blog, I'll tell you it's because our wedding is coming ... So I have a little different cares. But I promise that after the wedding, I'll be back in that ...)
This is a great smoothie that has everything my family needs in the morning.)
In addition to the chia seeds , you can find acai , a plant derived from the Amazon forest, extremely rich in antioxidants and many other important substances for the human organism. It is nowadays easily available as a "superfood" in the form of dried, powdered fruit in health food stores.
We give weight in grams only for orientation and also offer an oatmeal or almond milk for allergy sufferers and young children as an alternative.
For more freshness, you can add a few mint leaves and mix together with other ingredients. Children probably do not like the mint, so for the little ones ...
The only way to do this is to mix all the ingredients with either a dip mixer or a table and you can serve them.