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Chia or Saffron Saffron

Chia or Saffron Saffron

Originated from South America, it was the main ingredient along with amaranth, beans, quinoa and corn, the diet of the legendary Aztec, who excelled in physical fitness and health. They have taken them to all the war and other physically demanding expeditions because they are a great source of long-lasting energy. They were aware of their high value, even worshiping gods and using them as a gift. This only confirms their high prices today.
Today he comes back to consciousness, along with other "superfoods", as the interest in healthy lifestyle increases.
Their use is very easy because they have no specific taste, you can mix them into drinks and cocktails, add yoghurts, muesli, pastries (this is a theme for themselves, because they not only enrich themselves nutritionally, but because of their increased hydrophilic properties, they increase the suppleness and durability pastries), salads, spreads, salty and sweet dishes. Basically, wherever you think, it will not affect the resulting taste. If you soak them in the liquid (1 tsp. Of seeds to 5 teaspoons of water), they cover the gel (similar to cress when left to germinate) and can be fed to children for example in fruits, yoghurt, spreads, ... without registering any seed structure. They are also suitable for nailing.
The recommended daily dose is 2 teaspoons for adults, but there is no possibility of adverse effects and overdoses.
They are suitable for anyone, including children and nursing women, because it has no negative properties. Ideal for vegetarians and vegans, athletes, diabetics, and people who hold a diet because they supply energy and satiate for a long time. For people who face increased mental stress, it increases concentration and also allergies on gluten.

What I contain is mostly a multiplicity of contents of other common and valuable resources.

- 5 times more calcium than in pasteurized milk, plus it is more usable. (great for babies, nursing women and older generations to avoid bone thinning)

- 9 times more Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids than soybeans and other seeds and grains are important for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

- 1/3 of the weight of the seeds is fiber

- boron , the mineral needed for bone building, the ideal prevention of osteoporosis, important for the healthy development of children and for women after thirty years of age when calcium levels in the body are reduced ...

- are a natural source of zinc , iron , potassium and magnesium

- high protein content important for muscle and tissue building

- antioxidants , protects the organism from free radicals, extends the life of omega-3 fatty acids, protecting acids from oxidation, meaning that the seeds have a multi-year life ... They have anti-inflammatory effects. It supports the detoxification of the organism .

- electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, provide proper energy regulation and water flow through the cell membranes. They get through the body through sweating, therefore they are necessary for increased physical activity

Furthermore, their hydrophilic properties are not neglected. It weighs on water and forms a gentle, easily digestible gel, which contributes to the body's internal hydration, slows down the process of digestive enzymes, carbohydrate release, and ultimately affects the blood sugar level, therefore they are suitable for diabetics. As a result of these properties, energy is released gradually, so they are suitable for endurance athletes. If you mix the seeds with water or other liquid, then you can see how they form a compact gel layer around them.

Recipes where I use chia seeds:
Zucchini with fresh cheese and seeds
Zucchini bread

Chia or Saffron Saffron Chia or Saffron Saffron