Tatin de poires - Pear cake
1. April 2012

This is a Provençal version of the classic reversed cake from northwest France from my favorite cookbook "Provence - School of Provencal Kitchen" which has greatly enriched my favorite repertoire of dishes.
You can prepare the pie with peaches, apples, nectarines, plums or apricots.

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Round the 28 cm diameter mold with baking paper (or alobal) with butter.
Peel the pears, split, remove the kernels, brew for a short while to be compliant when slicing and developing into a fan.
I'm burning for a while instead of cooking, I use my favorite pizza roll I brought 7 years ago from Bangkok, but it's now easy to get. (in Prague, for example, in Sapa or Asian dealers, and on the Internet)
Put 5 tbsp of honey in a small pot and bring it to boil, let it boil for a while until it is browned. Pour it into a mold and pour out pear bean.
Put the butter in the foam to the butter. We smear the eggs with honey until a creamy foam is formed, into which we mix baking powder with baking powder and "wrap" the butter.
Cover the pears with baking powder and bake for about 50 minutes until the skein is clean. Let the cake cool for a while and flip onto a plate. You can also serve it well, for example, with cinnamon whipped cream. (You smash cream with a spoon of ground cinnamon and you have a culinary specialty)))