Baskets filled with homemade walnut-butter butter with chocolate topping
3. December 2014
This recipe originated from the competition that is going on these days, and I must admit that this Lidl FOOD Challenge was a big challenge for me that I wanted to challenge. Baking, cooking, shooting, etc., is great fun for me, so there is not much to be done, but the time is really low now. And to continue to be honest, I was convinced by the jury's composition (confectioner Markéta Krajčovičová, chef Marcel Ihnakak and our Michelin Roman Paulus) as well as the main prize, of course, which is the cooking course at Romano Paulus at Hotel Alcron.) The rules were easy, three ingredients (Amareto, walnuts, oranges) from which to prepare and present a nice meal that will be useful to the general public.
I like the simple tastes in their pure form, so I played with a combination of distinctive flavors like Amareto, walnuts and orange so that they do not get too vulgar and overwhelmed.
I used to make Pâte sucrée, which I like for its long-lasting crispness and fragility. In its base, I used orange peel and salt to make the orange in the recipe play its role, but only in the form of a pleasant light aroma in combination with salt. The filling in the baskets forms a smooth smooth cream - walnut butter made from roasted walnuts, maple syrup and Amareta, which adds the cream to the intensity, fullness and reminds the pralines.
First prepare the dough cup. Mix together flour, butter, eggs, sugar, salt and lightly treat them together until a soft crumb is produced. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of cold water or even a little more so that you can make a delicate and compliant dough from the dough. Once it sticks together, wrap it in the foil and allow it to cool for at least one hour in the fridge.
Prepare the walnut butter according to the recipe you can find here.
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Spread the cooled dough on a lightweight roll on a thin 3 - 4 mm plate. I prefer the dough as slim and crisp as possible. Fill the molds of your choice with a thin layer of this dough, cut the edge with a knife. If you want the baking cups to be too small and as perfect as possible, you can each bake a piece of baking paper and sprinkle with rice or beans. Put the baking cups in the oven for about 10 minutes until the region starts to make a good turn. When finished, take them out of the oven and, after a while, fold them out of the molds ideally onto the grate to make them crisp.
Prepare the icing. In the water bath slowly dissolve the chocolate with the butter. Stir, allow to cool briefly to almost the body temperature and soak the pancakes.
Make the baskets filled with cream and soak in the chocolate topping so that walnut butter is completely covered with chocolate. I decorated each cup with salt flakes and a piece of orange peel. You can serve immediately or set aside. Baskets are great not only for Christmas cookies, but also for desserts such as walnut ice cream and forest fruits.