The Little Chef
24. October 2014

It's been a few months since my little chef has earned this beautiful kitchen set and it's been a couple of months since I harvested these beautiful tomatoes. We were just passing through the summer tacos that you have captured on the blog, and I hope that something has been boiled for our impulse. Here you will find homemade tortilla recipes, veal tacos , tacos beef , and tomato salsa , which helps Greeta to prepare, just before our guests and friends come to visit, all the good things to eat with us. That's when we weighed about 100 tortillas ... Uff. Eventually they all rotate at the roller.
I also shot Grétka because I wanted to give a tip on my blog for a super gift for boobs. Just like two years ago when I discovered My first Opinel ...
Well, it's been a while and in the meantime a cook came out, a store started, and these knives three days ago also included in the assortment because it was one of the first thoughts when I dreamed about the store and what we would have and wanted to have ...